HR Director's Handbook - help for HR department employees. HR Manager's Handbook - help for HR department employees Everything for HR Managers

Features of the program: flexible staffing without limiting the level of nesting with the ability to include branches with their own structure; import and export of data on employees from 1C programs (Accounting, Salary and Personnel, Integrated, etc.); saving orders and reports in editable XLS formats , DOC or ODT, ODS (regardless of whether you have Microsoft Office or Open Office installed); a time sheet that is automatically generated based on existing orders for the employee and his work schedule. The timesheet has a convenient interface for editing and entering hours worked. All changes made to the timesheet are immediately reflected in the document flow in the form of corresponding orders; the ability to store external documents in various formats (Word, Excel, images, etc.) within the program; the ability to hire several employees with different rates per staff unit; the ability for one employee to work in various positions within one organization at different rates; The program is designed to help personnel officers when calculating length of service. Based on the entries in the work book, the total and continuous length of service of employees is calculated. All calculations made by the user are automatically saved in the database. Thus, the program is an electronic file cabinet of employees’ work records. The program has a fully completed directory of dismissal articles in accordance with the new Labor Code. The program's user interface is intuitive, and working with the program does not require in-depth knowledge of working with a personal computer. The program also has the function of printing a report on the length of service of employees. The program allows you to keep records of internal documents, incoming and outgoing correspondence (faxes, e-mails, postal letters, etc.). You will be able to assign a list of those responsible for approving incoming documents with subsequent status tracking with notification of the approval date. The program can attach an unlimited number of attached files of any format (scanned fax, MS Word, MS Excel, etc.) to a document, maintain structured directories for employees (coordinators and executors), organizations (recipients and senders), generate visual reports on internal documents (keep a journal of documents for the organization) and correspondence, search for the required document using one or more details (number, type, date of creation, etc.)

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Many enterprises need help in organizing and managing human resources. The website presents a full list of services provided by the company in the field of personnel consulting, including personnel development, creation of HR structures, and personnel records management. Here you can order any services, undergo training at seminars and trainings. The portal has a useful section “To help the HR manager”, which publishes materials that are interesting to visitors, and you can suggest a topic in the feedback form.

This portal presents a whole database of relevant and useful materials - articles published in textbooks and popular literature that will be useful to HR specialists in their daily work. For your attention - publications on the topics of personnel planning, categories of personnel, distribution of official powers, organization of the dismissal process, staff turnover. On the site's forum you can discuss questions that interest you and comment on the blogs of the authors of publications.

Personnel work requires constant improvement of the professional level of specialists. You will learn about the courses, trainings, and seminars offered on current topics on this website. The training program in the field of personnel records and office work, labor law, labor legislation, legal support for personnel management, and personnel management of the organization is described in detail. On the portal you can sign up for training and subscribe to the newsletter of useful materials.

How to optimize company management, avoid interruptions in work, increase the speed of decision-making and increase the responsibility of employees? The site will become your reliable assistant in modeling business processes. A well-thought-out interface and useful methodological recommendations of the resource increase its attractiveness for users. Particular attention is paid to KPIs - the stages of development and practical application in enterprises, the benefits of use.

Read on the pages of the site the procedures and changes in the design of all HR documentation. Find out which system, taking into account the new rules, should be used to send an employee on vacation or a business trip. Familiarize yourself with the procedure for calculating compensation for arrears of wages. The portal allows you to subscribe to the latest news and topical publications. To do this, you need to register on the site, fill out a user form and leave your email address for mailing.

On the site you will find a lot of informative information about working with personnel. Read about how to correctly fill out vacation forms for employees and what documents need to be prepared for retirement. Find out ways to solve the problem of workers moving from one enterprise to another. On the portal you can consult with more experienced professionals and ask them questions.

The ConsultantPlus website will help you resolve issues related to personnel management. Here you can discuss a long-standing problem with experienced specialists or find the answer in the articles and laws of the Labor Code. The “Periodicals” section contains thematic magazines that spell out new requirements for maintaining documentation, processing vacations, and accepting new employees to the team. In the “Seminars, master classes” section, find out about the opening of advanced training courses.

Printed and electronic publications for personnel officers can be found on this site. A large assortment of literature has been prepared here that will tell you about the main nuances in working with personnel. Using a quick search engine, you will find the book you need; the portal will suggest both free and paid options for downloading. If you cannot find the necessary information, contact the resource managers for help and apply for a tutorial.

On the pages of the site, a personnel employee can improve his knowledge, get acquainted with new procedures, and study the principle of filling out contracts. Here you can find detailed information about the procedure for processing documents for receiving a pension by employees who have reached a certain age, or by those who are transferred to social benefits due to health reasons. In the “Myths and Stereotypes” section, read about reforms that may affect personnel management, the number of vacation days and compensation.

The site gives HR employees the opportunity to regularly improve their level of knowledge. Find out more about the law on trade secrets and get acquainted with the implementation of this right. The portal contains detailed information about maintaining personal files of employees and the procedure for processing vacation pay. Read about how you can transfer people from one company to another without losing overall work experience. Study the principle of reimbursement of funds spent on business trips and calculation rules.

The magazine outlines options for solving many situations related to training, registration and retraining of personnel. Here you will be told how new employees are recruited and according to what system they should be introduced into the company’s labor process. Find out what alternative there is to a paper personal file and how to make compensation for delayed wages. Read in the publication about the possibility of installing video surveillance of personnel and the need to reimburse overtime hours.

Are you involved in HR work? We present to your attention a site that is filled with useful information. Online books and tutorials await you here. Thanks to regular updates of the material, keep track of the latest office work news, study amendments and changes in the preparation of documents for leave, additional social benefits, and sick leave. The portal contains a free reference database, which describes step-by-step actions when applying for a job and rules for filling out work books.

Everything you need to know about personnel management can be found on this site. For HR officers, detailed information has been posted on how to correctly and according to what standards should be filled out forms for hiring new employees, applications for transfer to a new position, applying for leave and job descriptions. The “Production Calendar” section indicates the number of working days, weekends and holidays in the current month and quarter, and also indicates how long a working day should last.

You can buy the necessary book on office work in this online store. Here, for HR managers, a large assortment of textbooks, reference books, dictionaries and relevant literature is collected at an affordable price. The portal has a fast search system, thanks to which you can easily find the publication you need. In the “Promotions” section you will find tempting offers with big discounts. The “Training” section contains master classes, educational books and teaching aids.

Organizing and maintaining personnel records is the direct responsibility of personnel service employees. In situations of creating a new organization, transforming an old one or other reorganization options, management and the personnel department need to know the main aspects of the work: training and search for employees, hiring, transfer and dismissal of personnel, as well as the rules for both archival and operational storage of documents.

Competent organization of personnel records as the basis for the stability of the company

Any organization, regardless of its form of ownership, has personnel. It differs in size and composition, functions performed and level of qualifications. The task of the HR department is to ensure that all issues and problems related to the employees of the enterprise are resolved as quickly and competently as possible.

The stable operation of an organization directly depends on its employees. The primary task of the personnel service is the competent and timely selection of employees, maintaining personnel records in accordance with the law and timely submission of documents to the archive. This is the basis for the stable operation of any enterprise.

Training of personnel to work with human resources

The instructions for personnel records management clearly indicate the need for professional training for personnel specialists. However, in practice, there is often a problem with training workers of the required profile.

Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions do not graduate specialists with such a narrow qualification as “personnel records management.” Training usually takes place on site or at specialized courses. It is also possible to train an employee directly on the job through mentoring.

Personnel records management involves training specialists in the following ways:

  • retraining on the basis of a second higher education;
  • obtaining higher education in a related field, for example, “document management”, “law”, “personnel management”, “information security”;
  • training in specialized long-term courses (at least three months), followed by passing an exam;
  • practical work followed by regular professional development.

Regulatory documents regulating the work of personnel services

The activities of the personnel department and the general organization of personnel records management are very much dependent on the current legislation and internal regulatory documents. This feature is associated with the nuances of working with a large number of personal documents, which are often confidential.

Record keeping in the personnel service is regulated by the following acts:

  • Constitution, Civil and Labor Codes, as well as partially Criminal and Family Codes;
  • legislative acts on the profile of the organization in matters related to work with personnel;
  • regulations of local significance;
  • various classifiers, rules and instructions at the federal level;
  • internal regulatory documents, for example, instructions on personnel records management;
  • orders and instructions from management.

Personnel service employees are obliged to strictly comply with the requirements of regulations and, above all, the Labor Code.

Search and documentation of employees

Conducting personnel records begins with the search and registration of personnel. First of all, you need to decide on options for finding new employees. Among them, the following stand out:

  • employment agencies and bureaus;
  • employment;
  • job fairs;
  • educational establishments;
  • job boards and resumes on various resources;
  • other organizations;
  • acquaintances and friends.

All employee search options have their advantages and disadvantages; an HR employee must make the most of all opportunities to fill a vacancy.

When an applicant is found, he is interviewed. It is advisable that its progress be documented: this makes it easier to make an informed decision about hiring or refusing. In the latter case, the person is notified in writing of the reason within five working days. If the applicant is suitable for the vacant position, he should be enrolled. This is where registration for a specific employee begins.

  • conclusion of an employment contract;
  • issuance of an admission order;
  • a new employee or her establishment;
  • registration of a personal card;
  • if it is accepted in the organization - opening a personal file;
  • familiarization and signing by the employee of internal regulations and instructions.

Personnel records (personal cards, staffing table)

Conducting personnel records requires the mandatory preparation of accounting documentation, in particular, staffing schedules and personal cards. These documents are mandatory for organizations of all forms of ownership.

Staffing and numbers must be current and meet the needs of the organization. It contains the names of all positions, the number of rates, indicating vacancies for a given period.

Personal cards are unified documents containing brief information about the employee’s work activities and personal information. They are subject to strict accounting and special storage conditions, in places that prevent their damage and theft.

Orders for personnel, differences and design features

General office work in personnel work is mainly expressed in orders and instructions from management. These documents may concern both individual employees and all personnel as a whole. They differ in design and implementation features.

Most orders and instructions relating to specific actions with an employee have a unified form. They are subject to mandatory agreement with all interested parties and familiarization by the employee against signature. Copies of personnel orders are stored in the personal file, and the originals in separate folders.

Personnel records journals, rules for registration and storage

To record movement in the personnel service, it involves maintaining specialized journals. These are spreadsheet documents of a multi-page format, most often unified. Usually they are kept either in large notebooks or purchased ready-made in specialized stores.

Types of personnel journals:

  • registration of incoming and outgoing documentation, including letters;
  • registration of orders;
  • registration of arrival and departure of employees on business trips;
  • registration of statements, submissions, notifications, official and service notes;
  • registration of work book forms and their inserts;
  • books for recording movements of various personnel documents, etc.

All magazines must be bound and sealed, and the sheets must be numbered. They should be stored separately from all documents. Preferably in a safe or special cabinet.

Features of maintaining and storing personal files

Maintaining personal files is not mandatory. However, most organizations collect employee records in one form or another. Of course, it’s more convenient to do this in one folder.

A personal file is a set of documented personal information about an employee, collected and compiled in a certain order. It may include a variety of documents and copies:

  • copies of employee orders;
  • copies of statements;
  • copies of identity documents confirming qualifications, education, benefits and marital status;
  • questionnaire;
  • characteristics and reviews;
  • certificates, etc.

Personal files include personal information and should be kept away from other documents. Access to them is permitted only to a strictly limited circle of officials. When personnel are dismissed, personal files are handed over for archival storage.

Rules for registration, storage and issuance of work books, as well as inserts

All organizations are required to maintain work books for their staff, with the exception of part-time employees. During the initial appointment, the employer independently purchases blank forms and makes the first entry on them. The relevant information about the employee is entered on the title page. Subsequently, it is necessary to monitor their relevance and make changes in a timely manner.

On the spread of the main part, entries are made about the employee’s labor and social activities, his employment with permanent employees. All entries are numbered in a general manner and are made on the basis of an order. The notice of dismissal is accompanied by an imprint of the organization's seal and the signature of the manager.

Done by hand, with a blue ballpoint pen, in clear and understandable handwriting. Carefully monitor the relevance and accuracy of the entered data. If it is necessary to correct information, then it must be carefully crossed out with one line and the relevant information must be entered. This action must be confirmed by the manager’s signature and seal.

Work records are kept separately from other documents, in a safe. It is prohibited to hand them over to employees or third parties without a special resolution from the responsible authorities.

Features of operational and archival storage of personnel documents

The storage of personnel documents is determined by their special significance. They contain personal information and are confidential. Such data is not subject to unauthorized disclosure. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed on the personnel service employees and the head of the organization.

To organize proper storage of personnel documents in the personnel service, it is advisable to have a separate room. There must be one entrance to it and must be equipped with a metal door with an alarm.

The documents themselves must be stored in metal cabinets or safes. Avoid exposure to sunlight and dust, as well as temperature changes and excessive humidity. These simple steps will help you save your personal data.

Deputy General Director of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers “Union of Employers of the Nuclear Industry, Energy and Science of Russia”, Candidate of Legal Sciences:

The magazine "Kadrovik" as a source of reliable legal information on social and labor issues has always helped and will continue to help the development of social partnership between employers and employees. The magazine makes a significant contribution to the formation of the labor and legal culture of workers and employers, as well as their representatives. On the pages of the magazine, employers find qualified advice from leading experts in labor law, making their daily work with personnel easier. It is gratifying to note that the Kadrovik magazine always promptly analyzes the problems that employers face in the social and labor sphere during a difficult period of economic development, when government agencies pay special attention to compliance with labor legislation in organizations. Thanks to the recommendations of the magazine’s authors, employers can ensure their personnel security and minimize the risks associated with labor and other directly related relations. Time has shown that the Kadrovik magazine has played and will continue to play an important role in shaping employers’ understanding of the importance of personnel work and knowledge of the nuances of labor law for the successful development of an organization. In this regard, I would like to wish the Kadrovik magazine prosperity and an increase in the number of subscribers, and to employers who have not yet turned to the articles of the Kadrovik magazine, an understanding of the simple truth: who owns the information, owns the world!

HR Director of the GLOBAL Point Agency:

For any HR manager today, the most important thing is timely awareness of new trends and changes that affect his professional sphere, and this is precisely why the materials of the “Kadrovik” magazine are useful.

It has been repeatedly said that in these difficult times, the main weapon is knowledge, which is why professional publications are especially important and needed now. The value of “Kadrovik” for me personally (and for many of my colleagues) lies in the fact that the materials that are published are always relevant. Almost every issue of the magazine allows you to learn something new and very useful. A strength is also the style of presentation of materials. I would especially like to note the authors of the publications: I am glad that among them there are both practitioners and theorists of the HR world. This is perhaps one of the most striking distinctive features of the Kadrovik magazine: there is an opportunity to “broaden your horizons.” Theoretical knowledge is no less important and significant for effective HR than practical developments; it is this versatility, the opportunity to constantly develop that attracts.

Deputy Director of the institution “Labor Arbitration Court for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes”, Moscow:

For a HR employee, knowledge of labor legislation is very important. This is especially true in the current crisis, when there is a massive layoff of workers due to staff reductions, wage cuts, etc. unpopular measures, which leads to social tension and labor conflicts. And in these difficult conditions, employers, unfortunately, often neglect the Labor Code. Therefore, I would especially like to draw attention to the need to comply with the law. The personnel officer must be competent and advise the manager on the right steps. The magazine helps readers with this with its professional recommendations. Among the authors of the magazine there are many authoritative specialists and labor scientists.

Main headings:
Labor law for personnel officers

Zone of the law: practice of application

Scientists, labor lawyers, specialists from Rostrud and other departments explain the provisions of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms from the point of view of their practical application. Controversial norms: competent recommendations on labor relations issues not regulated by law.

As part of the employment contract

How to prevent violations when dismissing employees, transferring them to another job, changing the terms of an employment contract, or establishing the financial liability of the parties. Anti-crisis measures and labor legislation.


Modern systems of payment and incentives for workers. Examples from the experience of organizations.

Civil service

Features of entering the civil service and concluding service contracts. Legal status of a civil servant.

Guarantees and compensation

What additional guarantees does the employer provide to certain categories of employees? Employee Reimbursement: What Compensation Can an Employer Provide?

Pension and social security

What a HR manager should know about pensions and benefits.

Supervision and control

Who checks the employer and how. Prosecutor's checks. GIT checks. How to prepare for them?

Social partnership

How, with the help of collective agreements and agreements, labor conflicts in organizations are prevented and resolved. The interaction of three parties - government, society, business - in the search for ways out of the crisis, proposals and experience.

Labor disputes

Materials from judicial practice: court decisions that have entered into legal force regarding claims for unlawful dismissal of an employee, reinstatement, payment for forced absence, compensation for material damage and moral damage, etc. What happens in the courts during a crisis?

Industry aspect

Some features of the labor of workers in various sectors of the national economy and fields of activity (medicine, education, industry, transport, construction, trade, services, etc.)

Question answer

Explanations from specialists on complex issues of applying labor legislation, answers to questions from readers and visitors to the Kadrovik magazine website.

A story about representatives of the profession in the field of HR/Professional

Theory and methodology

Team formation

Corporate culture. Motivation and stimulation of personnel. Personnel assessment and adaptation. Personnel reserve. Analytical and methodological articles revealing the main elements of personnel policy in an organization, ways of its implementation, methods and methods for solving personnel problems.

Personnel planning

Development of the organization’s personnel strategy, the main directions of its implementation. Optimization of staff numbers. Personnel marketing. Crisis management experience.

Education and development

Development of creativity and professional competence of personnel.

Social politics

Formation of a social and compensation package. Social corporate responsibility.

HR community: learning, discussing

How to manage personnel: HR training. What is discussed and proposed in professional communities.

Tested by practice: experience of organizations

The authors—company managers and HR specialists—share their practical experience in the field of improving personnel management in an organization. Materials are given taking into account industry specifics in working with personnel.

Labor market

The state of the labor market and prospects: scientific analysis, regional practices in human resource management, interaction between business and government.

Psychological support

Everyday communication with people requires a personnel officer to have a special emotional state, resistance to stress, and the ability to negotiate competently, and he, like no other specialist, needs professional psychological support. The section contains recommendations from psychologists for those who work with people.

And also: “Experimental field of the reader”, “Foreign experience”, “Page of a young scientist”, “Bookshelf (review of new literature on personnel management)”.

Personnel documentation system

How to build a personnel document flow system in an organization. Requirements for personnel documents. The procedure for maintaining personnel documents. HR outsourcing: advantages and problems.

It's time to go to the archives!

The procedure for preparing documents for the archive and working with archives. Storage periods for documents.

The personnel officer prepares

How to properly formalize labor relations (hiring, dismissal, transfer, disciplinary action, making entries in the work book). All about the social and compensation package. Registration of civil contracts.

Checks and queries

In its work, the personnel service has to interact with various government agencies, inspection bodies, respond to requests from both third-party organizations and its own employees, and prepare various certificates for them. Recommendations for work.

Document to follow

Regulations and rules - examples, samples and forms of local regulations developed in the organization in accordance with industry specifics are provided. Job descriptions - samples of job descriptions for employees, from ordinary performers to managers, for companies operating in various fields of business. Orders, instructions, journals. Agreements, statements. Recommendations from specialists on filling out unified forms.

Information Technology

Reviews of computer programs for personnel work. Working with databases. Formation of an electronic archive. Ensuring information security.

Work on mistakes

Current comments on typical mistakes made by personnel officers when preparing personnel documents, and legal consequences. How to conduct correspondence competently. Business writing skills. Explanations from specialists on personnel records management, answers to questions from readers and visitors to the Kadrovik magazine website.

Recruitment and selection technologies

Systematic approach to personnel selection. Use of information technology in recruiting. Modern headhunting (advice from experienced headhunters). Formation of a list of requirements for candidates. Stages of working on a vacancy.

Methods for assessing applicants

How to evaluate a candidate based on a resume. The art of interviewing. Methods of psychological and professional testing of candidates, mini-cases for candidates.

Personnel test portfolio

Mass projects: staffing

Features of project recruiting - for industries, regions.

Labor market: supply and demand

Characteristics of labor markets by industry and profession. Current status and trends. Salary surveys. What's in the regions? Human resource planning.

Recruitment agencies - HR specialist

Features of interaction with recruitment agencies, private employment agencies, public employment services. Feedback.

Legal support

Legal consultations: how to conclude an agreement with a recruitment agency; how to hire temporary staff from private employment agencies.

Research, ratings

Scientific and practical developments in the field of personnel selection, materials from sociological surveys. Opinions of applicants: what should an employer take into account?

“Personnel officer. Official documents and regulations for personnel officers"

The most complete official information on personnel topics:

all legal acts necessary in the work of a personnel officer, taking into account the latest changes: laws, regulations, orders and other documents of government bodies of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation; comments on acts and documents on issues of labor law, social and pension security, employment, state and municipal civil service; at the request of readers - a document from the archive.


Law zone: practice of application

Scientists, lawyers for labor law, specialists of Rostrud and other departments explain provisions of the labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing regulations of a labor right from the point of view of their practical application. Disputable regulations: competent recommendations about the questions of employment relationships which aren't settled by the legislation.

Within the employment contract

How not to allow violations in case of dismissal of workers, transfer to other work, change of conditions of the employment contract, establishment of liability of the parties. Anti-recessionary actions and labor law.


Modern payment systems and work incentives of workers. Examples from experience of the organizations.

Public service

Features of revenues to civil service and conclusions of office contracts. Legal status of the civil servant.

Guarantees and compensations

What additional guarantees does the employer to separate employee categories provide.

Pension and social security

What the personnel officer shall know about pensions and benefits.

Supervision and control

Who and how checks the employer. Public prosecutor's checks. Checks of GIT. How to be prepared for them?

Social partnership

As by means of collective agreements, agreements labor disputes in the organizations are warned and will be settled. Interaction of three parties – the authorities, societies, business – in search of ways of recovery from the crisis, the offer and experience.

Employment disputes

Materials from court practice: the decisions of the courts which took legal effect concerning claims for illegally reducing the worker, recovery at work, payment of time of induced truancy, compensation of material damage and moral harm, etc. What happens in courts during crisis?

Industry aspect

Some features of work of workers in various industries national farms and fields of activity (medicine, education, the industry, transport, a construction, trade, service trade, etc.)


Explanations of specialists in difficult questions of application of the labor law, answers to questions of readers and visitors of the website of the Kadrovik magazine.



Theory and methodology

Authoritative Russian scientists and specialists offer readers the latest theoretical developments in the field of personnel management.

Team building

The analytical and methodical articles opening basic elements of personnel policy in the organization, ways of its implementation, methods and methods of the solution of personnel tasks. Corporate culture. Motivation and stimulation of personnel. Assessment and adaptation of personnel. Personnel allowance.

Human resources planning

Development of personnel strategy of the organization, main directions it implementation. Optimization of number of personnel. Personnel marketing. Experience of crisis management.

Training and development

Development of creativity, professional competence of personnel.

Social policy

Forming of a benefits and compensation package. Social corporate liability.

HR community: we study, we discuss

How to manage personnel: training of the personnel officer. What is discussed and offered in professional communities.

It is checked by practice: experience of the organizations

Authors are heads of the entities, specialists of personnel services - share the practical practices in the field of enhancement of personnel management in the organization. Materials are given taking into account industry specifics in work with a personnel.

Labor market

Market situation of work and prospect: the scientific analysis, practice of regions on human resource management, interaction of business and the power.

Psychological support

Everyday communication with people demands from the personnel officer of a special emotional condition, resistance to stress, ability of competent negotiation, and he as any other specialist needs professional psychological support. In the section - the recommendation of psychologists that who works with people.

And also: “The pilot field of the reader”, “Foreign experience”, “The page of the young scientist”, “The book shelf (the overview of new literature on personnel management)”.


System of personnel documentation

How to construct system of personnel document flow in the organization. Requirements to personnel documents. Order of maintaining personnel documents. Personnel outsourcing benefits and problems.

Time in archive!

Order of preparation of documents in archive and work with archives. Storage durations of documents.

The personnel officer arranges

As it is correct to arrange employment relationships (employment, dismissal, and transfer, authority punishment, entering of records into the service record). In total about a benefits and compensation package. Execution of civil agreements.

Checks and requests

The personnel service in the work should interact with various government institutions, inspection bodies, to respond to the requests of both third parties, and own employees, to prepare for them various references. Recommendations about work.

The document for imitation

Regulations and rules - examples, samples and forms of the local regulations developed in the organization according to industry specifics are given. Job descriptions - samples of job descriptions of employees, from the ordinary contractor to the head, for the companies working in various spheres of business. Orders, orders, magazines. Agreements, statements. Recommendations of specialists in filling out the unified forms.

Information technologies

Reviews of computer programs for personnel work. Work with databases. Forming of electronic archive. Ensuring information security.

Correction of mistakes

Urgent comments about the typical mistakes made by personnel officers in case of execution of personnel documents and consequence in law. How to competently correspond. Skills of the business letter. Explanations of specialists in maintaining a personnel clerical work, answers to questions of readers and visitors of the website of the Kadrovik magazine.

Technologies of matching and selection of personnel

System approach to personnel recruitment. Use of information technologies in recruiting. Modern headhunting (recommendations of experienced headhunters). Forming of the list of requirements to candidates. Stages of work on vacancy.

Evaluation methods of the job seeker

How to estimate the candidate according to the summary. Art of holding interview. Techniques of psychological and professional testing of candidates, mini-cases for candidates.

Personnel test portfolio

By means of this heading, we suggest personnel officers to build the portfolio of tests for assessment of job seekers.

Mass projects: staffing

Features of project recruiting - for industries, regions.

Labor market: demand and supply

Characteristics of the labor markets on industries and professions. Current state and tendencies. Reviews of the salaries. What in regions? Planning of personnel resources.

Recruitment agencies - to the personnel officer

Features of interaction with recruitment agencies, private employment agencies, public services of employment. Feedback.

Legal maintenance

Consultations of lawyers: how to sign the contract with recruitment agency; how to hire temporary personnel from private employment agencies.

Researches, ratings

Scientific and practical developments in the field of personnel recruitment, materials of sociological polls. Opinions of job seekers: what shall the employer consider?


The most complete official information on personnel subject:

All necessary legal acts in work of the personnel officer taking into account the last changes: laws, resolutions, orders, etc. documents of public authorities of the Russian Federation and territorial subjects of the Russian Federation; Comments to acts and documents concerning a labor right, social and provision of pensions, employment of the population, the public and municipal civil service; at the request of readers - the document from archive.

T ore law for personnel officer

L. Yu. Eltsova, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation;

Yu.P. Orlovsky, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, scientific director of the Higher School of Law, member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

T.F. Prokopov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Interaction between Business and Government, Chairman of the Commission on Professional Standards, Vice-President of the RSPP, Member of the Board of the RSPP;

N.L. Lyutov, Doctor of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law, Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafina (MSAL), professor of the Department of Labor Law, National Research University Higher School of Law;

D.L. Kuznetsov, Associate Professor, Department of Labor Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Director of the Higher School of Law;

HE. Labazova, Head of the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow.

TO HR management

V.M. Svistunov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of State University of Management;

E.A. Mitrofanova, deputy Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Professor of the Department of Personnel Management of the State University of Management;

V.G. Konovalova, deputy Editor-in-Chief, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy head Department of Personnel Management, State University of Management;

V.N. Bobkov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Center for Living Standards”;

G.P. Gagarinskaya, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Economics and Organization Management of SamSTU;

B.M. Genkin, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Management of Labor and Social Processes of the St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University;

I.B. Durakova, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Personnel Management, Voronezh State University;

A.V. Soroko, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Director of the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Government of the Russian Federation;

I.A. Esaulova, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Perm National Research Polytechnic University;

E.D. Katulsky, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Economics and National Economy Management at the Private Educational Institution VPOS GA (Modern Humanitarian Academy);

SOUTH. Odegov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Human Resources Management REA named after. G. V. Plekhanov;

S.D. Reznik, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Head. Department of Management, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction N. I. Shatalova, Doctor of Social Sciences. Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Personnel Management and Sociology of the Ural State University of Transport.

TO personnel records management

A.V. Pshenko, Ph.D. ist. sciences, head Department of Document Management and Documentation Support of the State University of Management, member of the Guild of Documentation Managers;

ON THE. Khramtsovskaya, leading document management expert at Electronic Office Systems, member of the Guild of Document Managers, member of ARMA International.

R recruiting for HR officer

Yu.V. Dolzhenkova, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor of the Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations;

D.K. Zakharov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor of the Department of Personnel Management, Dean of the Faculty of Master's Training at the State University of Education, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education;

V.G. Maleshin, member of the expert councils of the National Union of Personnel Officers, the Association of Personnel Selection Consultants (AKPP), the Club of Recruitment Specialists "SUPER", the Club of Personnel Management Professionals, expert of the National Center for Certification of Managers;

L.I. Smirnykh, Chairman of the Editorial Council, Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Professor of the Department of Labor and Population Economics, Faculty of Economics, State University - Higher School of Economics;

G.A. Fominov, Ph.D. econ. sciences, head Department of Personnel Management of the Institute of Economics and Management in Industry.

"TO adrovik

Chairman of the Editorial Board, scientific reviewer - B.A. Gorokhov, Ph.D., Judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Judicial Panel for Labor and Social Cases of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Quarterly issue.


Labor Right labor right for the personnel officer

L. Yu. Eltsova, PhD of Economics, deputy minister of work and social protection of the Russian Federation;

Yu. P. Orlovsky, Dr. of Law, professor of department of a labor law and right of social security of National research university "Higher School of Economics", the research supervisor of the Higher school of law, the member of Scientific and advisory recommendation in case of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

T. F. Prokopov, Dr. of Economics, professor of department of the theory and practice of interaction of business and power, commission chairman of professional standards, vice-president of RUIE, board member of RUIE;

N. L. Lyutov, Dr. of Law, associate professor, head of the department of a labor right and right of social security of the Moscow state legal university of O. E. Kutafin (MGYuA), professor of department of a labor right of NIU VSh;

D. L. Kuznetsov, associate professor of a labor law of Higher School of Economics National Research University, director of the Higher school of law;

O. N. Labazova, the head of State Labor Inspection in Moscow.

Personnel management

V. M. Svistunov, Dr. of Economics, professor, vice rector of GUU;

E. A. Mitrofanova, Dr. of Economics, professor of department of personnel management of GUU;

V. G. Konovalova, Dr. of Economics, associate professor, department deputy chair of personnel management of GUU;

V. N. Bobkov, Dr. of Economics, professor, director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Center of Level of Living;

G. P. Gagarinskaya, Dr. of Economics, professor, department chair of economy and management of SAMGTU of the organization;

B. M. Genkin, Dr. of Economics, professor, department chair of management of labor and social processes of the St. Petersburg state engineering and economic university;

I. B. Durakova, Dr. of Economics, professor, department chair of personnel management of Voronezh State University;

A. V. Soroko, Dr. of Economics, Director of the department of public service and personnel of the Government of the Russian Federation;

I. A. Esaulova, Dr. of Economics, professor of Management and Marketing department, Perm national research polytechnical university;

E. D. Katulsky, Dr. of Economics, professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, professor of department of economy and management of the national economy of NA ChOU of VPOS of HECTARE (Modern humanitarian academy);

Yu. G. Odegov, Dr. of Economics, professor, the department chair of human resources management of REA of G. V. Plekhanov;

S. D. Reznik, Dr. of Economics, professor, director of Institute of economy and management, department chair "Management" of the Penza state university of architecture and construction

N. I. Shatalov, Dr. of Socialogy, professor, department chair of personnel management and sociology of the Ural State University of means of communication.

Personnel office-work

A. V. Pshenko, PhD of History, department chair of document science and documentary providing GUU, liveryman of managing directors of documentation;

N. A. Hramtsovskaya, the leading expert on management of documentation of the Electronic Office Systems company, the liveryman of managing directors of documentation, the member of ARMA International.

Recruiting for the personnel officer

Yu. V. Dolzhenkova, Dr. of Economics, professor of department of labor economics and management of personnel of Academy of work and social relations;

D. K. Zakharov, Dr. of Economics, professor of department of personnel management, the dean of faculty of master preparation of GUU, the winner of an award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education;

V. G. Maleshin, member of advisory councils of National union of personnel officers, Associations of consultants for personnel recruitment (automatic transmission), Club of HR specialists "SUPER", Club of professionals of personnel management, expert of the National center of certification of managing directors ;

L. I. Smirnykh, Dr. of Economics, professor of department of labor economics and population of economics department of GU-VSHE;

G. A. Fominov, Dr. of Economics, the department chair of personnel management of Institute of economy and management in the industry.

Official documents and regulations for the personnel officer "the Personnel officer. Official documents and regulations for the personnel officer"

The chairman of editorial recommendation, the scientific reviewer - B. A. Gorokhov, PhD in Law, the judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the chairman of judicial structure on labor and social affairs of Judicial board on civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Quarterly release.


Chief Editor : Zinovskaya Nadezhda Nikolaevna
E-mail: kadr@site