Is it possible to obtain a second higher education at the same time? Frequently asked questions about second higher education: Is education paid or not?

As a rule, there is no competition when entering the faculty of a second higher education, since the second higher education is commercial.

Do I need to take the Unified State Exam when entering a university to obtain a second higher education?

When entering a university to obtain a second higher education, you do not need to take the Unified State Exam. Enrollment of applicants occurs either based on the results of an interview or based on the results of a written test in a core subject.

Is it possible to receive a second higher education simultaneously with the first?

Yes, a second higher education can be obtained simultaneously with the first. This type of learning is called parallel learning. With parallel training, students are enrolled in the department of second higher education on the basis of a contract as students and study by correspondence. Upon completion, they receive a state diploma of higher professional education.

Is it possible to get a second higher education for free?

No, the second higher education is commercial. You can get a second higher education for free only if the organization you work for is willing to pay for you.

Are dormitories provided for nonresident students?

No, the dormitory is not provided to students of the Faculty of Second Higher Education.

How long does it take to get a second higher education?

The duration of training depends on the first diploma and the chosen form of training. The duration of study is reduced by re-crediting the disciplines studied during the first higher education.

Is there a state exam at the “second tower”?

Yes, I have. As a final certification, students defend their final qualifying thesis (thesis) and pass the state exam in their chosen specialty.

Are students of the faculty of second higher education provided with a deferment from the army?

No. There are no benefits for students studying in the second higher education department. Accordingly, a deferment from the army is not granted.

Is it possible to get a second higher education without attending a university?

Yes, for this you need to choose a distance learning form.

Until what age can one enter a university to obtain a second higher education?

Russian legislation does not limit the age of applicants wishing to obtain a second higher education. But some universities set their own age restrictions. On average, you can enter the faculty of second higher education up to 50 years of age. This issue must be clarified at the chosen university.

If you have a question about obtaining a second higher education, leave it in the “comments”.

This material will tell you whether it is possible to get two tax deductions and what conditions exist for this. We will also analyze common mistakes, legislative acts on the topic and answer the most common questions.

How to get property and social deductions in one year

Tax deduction

Maximum size (RUB) Feature of receiving
Property 2 million., if the housing was purchased with your own funds (that is, no more than 260 thousand is subject to return - 13% of the amount of 2 million)

3 million., if the residential premises were purchased under a mortgage program (that is, a maximum of 390 thousand will be returned - 13% of the amount of 3 million)

The amount that the employee did not receive can be transferred to the next year, it does not expire
Social 120 thousand. (that is, you can return no more than 15,600 rubles - 13% of the amount of 120 thousand)The amount not received by an employee of the company cannot be carried forward to future tax periods - it expires

We can conclude that the taxpayer for the year in which he incurred expenses should first of all apply for a social tax deduction, since the remaining amount not received will never be returned to him, and only then can he apply for a property deduction.

To obtain personal income tax deductions, there are two schemes of action:

  1. contacting the accounting department or the manager at the place of work,
  2. Submitting a tax return to the Federal Tax Service office in form 3-NDFL at the end of the year.

If you choose to contact the tax service, you will not have to clarify in what order you would like to receive deductions, since thanks to the system of formulas in the corresponding cells of the forms, any other deductions except property deductions always become priority.

But when trying to apply for a tax deduction at the place of work, the taxpayer is faced with the fact that the employer has the right to provide deductions in the order it deems most convenient. Therefore, it may turn out that he will first consider the request for a property deduction, so that the period for receiving a social deduction will expire, and there will be nothing to receive in the future. In this case, you can try to contact the manager with a request to provide other deductions first, and only then the property one. It is possible to track whether the employer made a concession to you by checking the certificate in Form 2-NDFL a few months later - the property deduction in paragraph four of the document will be indicated by codes 311, 312.

It happens that a citizen had the right to receive both social and property deductions in one year, but filled out a declaration only for property, due to ignorance or inattention. There is still a chance to receive a social deduction by submitting an updated declaration for the past years to the tax office.

Is it possible to get two tax deductions: social in one year?

Employees, from whose earnings the amount of personal income tax is withheld at a 13% rate, have the right to demand several social deductions at once in the same year, if during this year they simultaneously incurred expenses for treatment, training, voluntary contributions towards a future pension, or charity .

It is worth noting that starting from 2016, a company employee is not required to wait until the end of the current year to apply for a social deduction.

Federal Tax Service employees will issue you with the appropriate document, which you present at your place of work, attaching a completed application for the exercise of the right to tax deduction. Until 2016, such an advantage existed only in relation to property tax deductions.

How to get two types of property deductions at the same time

It must be remembered that a property deduction for the sale of housing can be applied several times, but a tax deduction for the purchase of residential real estate is possible only once in a lifetime and for only one piece of property.

Therefore, if a citizen has already submitted an application for a personal income tax deduction from purchased housing, he does not have the right to receive it again.

How to get a tax deduction again

Since 2009, it has become possible to demand an additional tax deduction until the maximum amount established by law is reached (today it is 2 million rubles).

You can apply for it within 3 years from the end of the tax period in which the right to the deduction arose. In the same way, you can get a double tax deduction, but only once in relation to one piece of property.

Changes in tax legislation were due to unequal conditions for various social strata of the population - citizens earning small amounts and purchasing inexpensive housing could not claim a refund of significant amounts, unlike wealthy personal income tax payers. In this regard, it was decided to allow an unlimited number of deductions to be issued until together they reach the maximum possible amount.

If the housing was purchased with a mortgage, the employee is required to bring reports from the banking institution (original and copy) to the place of work or to the Federal Tax Service office. If you purchased property with your own funds, you can submit the missing documents for re-deduction and fill out a statement stating that other papers were presented earlier.

How to get a tax deduction from two employers at once

The law allows an employee who combines two jobs to apply for a property tax deduction from both employers or only from one of them, at the discretion of the taxpayer.

And the responsibilities of both employers as tax agents include providing such an opportunity with a previous verification of documents.

When the personal income tax payer has already submitted an application for a property deduction to the manager or accountant at the first place of work, he must present to the second employer the appropriate document issued by the tax service, which would indicate the amount of the deduction to which the employee is entitled, taking into account the fact that part he had already received the deduction from another employer. On reducing the tax base for personal income tax by the amount of social and property deductions
pp. 2 p. 1 art. 219 Tax Code of the Russian Federation On the right of a taxpayer to receive a social tax deduction in the amount actually paid by him in the tax period for training
clause 2 art. 219 Tax Code of the Russian Federation On receiving social deductions in the amount of no more than 120,000 rubles in the tax period
Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. MM-7-3/714@ Approval of the notification form for property tax deduction
Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated April 10, 2012 No. 03-04-05/7-477,

Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated 01.09.09 No. 3-5-04/1363

On receiving two property deductions at once when buying and selling an apartment within one year
Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 06/04/10 No. 03-04-05/9-311 On receiving only a property deduction when selling housing if the sale and purchase of residential premises were made in different years
Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated February 25, 2010 No. 03-04-05/7-68 On the possibility of repeatedly receiving a property deduction for the sale of housing
para. 27 subp. 2 p. 1 art. 220 NK About receiving a property deduction for purchasing a home only once in your life
para. 3 clause 8 art. 220 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

The right of a taxpayer to receive property tax deductions from one or more tax agents of his choice

Common mistakes

Mistake #1: An employee of the company submitted a second application for a property deduction for the purchase of a house.

A second higher education for a modern person has ceased to be an attribute of prestige or an indicator of a special thirst for knowledge, having turned into a vital necessity. Many employers want to see in the resumes of applicants for their available vacancies information about the presence of two university or institute diplomas. However, the price of such “pleasure” is often prohibitive for the average person, so the question of how to get a second degree for free is still of interest to many future applicants.


Russian laws regulating the activities of higher education classify second education at a university as an exclusively paid service, the price of which depends on the following factors:

  1. Student's individual curriculum. Obtaining a second specialty usually involves re-crediting some previously studied disciplines. If there are quite a lot of them, then it matters how the fee is charged:
    • a fixed amount, regardless of the number of items;
    • for completed academic hours.
  2. Form of training. The price of the course largely depends on the format of the program, which can be full-time, evening, distance, correspondence, etc.

Payment for tuition can be accepted at a time, by semester or every month, both from the students themselves and from the organizations that sent them to study.

The right to free second higher education is established by the law on the status of military personnel (Article 19 of Federal Law No. 76) for those who:

  • received his first diploma from a higher military educational institution;
  • served in the army under a contract for at least 3 years (you can enroll free of charge, regardless of the direction of previous professional training).

Free training options without benefits

If you do not belong to one of the groups of beneficiaries approved by law, you should not put off your desire to study until better times. There are many loopholes in the rules on mandatory payment for a second diploma that will allow a wider range of applicants to receive a second higher education free of charge.

From someone else's pocket

The “most legal” way of free education for a student is to have it paid for by other individuals or organizations:

  1. Payment employer. If you are a particularly valuable and promising employee, and the company needs to expand your skills, then to improve your skills, you may be sent to study a second specialty at the expense of the company. In government institutions this is possible after 5 years of experience, and in private companies - in agreement with management. Such payment imposes the following obligations on the student:
    • upon graduation from the university, work for the sending organization for the number of years specified in the signed agreement;
    • reimburse expenses to the employer in the event of interruption of the course of study at the initiative of the student or deduction for poor academic performance.
  2. Receiving a grant. There are many different funds from which you can receive a grant to study at any domestic or foreign university, regardless of the number of diplomas you already have. You just need to prove that you are worthy of it: prepare a presentation of the project for your future activities, etc.

In addition to paying for the training itself, the grant may also provide: a scholarship, reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses, insurance, etc.

Second education within the first

A master's program provides the opportunity to obtain a second higher education free of charge in cases where it is counted as an increase in the educational level as part of the primary education, but its profile differs from the qualifications you already have. The right to study in a master's program is absolutely free for certified bachelors, and sometimes for specialists (this point must be clarified at a specific university). Moreover, in some areas it is much easier to enroll in a master's degree than in the first year of a bachelor's degree.

The “unfinished diploma” method for saving on the cost of a second university education from September 1, 2013 is suitable for those who, out of pure sporting interest, try themselves for free in completely different fields. But it no longer works for collecting a collection of “undergraduates.” Incomplete higher education still gives the right to study in another specialty from scratch, that is, as part of the first free education. But an incomplete higher education diploma, which previously could be obtained on a budgetary basis an unlimited number of times after completing at least 2 full courses, is no longer issued.

With the entry into force of Federal Law No. 273, the concepts of “incomplete” and “unfinished” higher education were abolished, and accordingly, there are no documents confirming their existence. Instead, universities now issue not even academic certificates, but simple “scribbles” about the period of study (12th paragraph of Article 60).

It is unlikely that an employer will be impressed by even a dozen such certificates to learn “something and somehow.”

Cunning is the second happiness

If all of the above options are excluded for you, you can try a trick - hide your first diploma and enroll in a second university with a lower level education document:
  • by submitting only a school certificate to the admissions committee and studying in any form on a budgetary basis;
  • simultaneously with full-time education, receiving a second higher education free of charge in absentia, providing a certificate to the first university, and a diploma of secondary vocational education and a copy of the certificate to the second, citing the loss of the original.

When using such a trick, it should be taken into account that uncovering the deception will most likely result in expulsion from the “occupied” university.

Incomplete payment

If all the ways to get a second higher education are not completely free, you can try to reduce the payment at least partially:

  1. If expanding your professional competencies is part of your employer's plans, he may share in the cost of your studies.
  2. Choose the least expensive form of training - for example, a correspondence course is always much cheaper than a full-time course.
  3. Consider studying the profession of interest in another city or region as an alternative - you have to pay much less for studying at universities other than the capital.

So it is quite possible to choose an acceptable option for obtaining a second higher education for free or for minimal money - if you wish.

Recently, the number of applicants in various fields with several higher educations has been rapidly increasing. This is not surprising, since many reputable companies prefer to cooperate with multidisciplinary specialists. In addition, a second degree helps you successfully reach the top of your career and deepen your knowledge in your chosen profession. However, many people are guided by personal goals and do not intend to stop studying after receiving one diploma.

It is generally accepted that it provides for the student to master higher education programs on the basis of existing or incomplete higher education. As a rule, a significant proportion of applicants have diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education.

But is it possible to get a second higher education at the same time? This question remains relevant for applicants. Quite often, higher education institutions provide their students with such an opportunity. However, the main difference from obtaining a first higher education is training on a commercial basis. In this case, students are considered listeners and can study only by correspondence. It is important to emphasize that this status is equal to the status of full-time students.

As for the timing of obtaining a diploma, they are directly influenced by the first diploma and the form of study indicated by the applicant. During the enrollment process, disciplines matching the programs are re-credited. Thus, students who chose a related specialty will have the shortest duration of study. The similarity of curricula will guarantee a significant percentage of subject overlap. On average, a person will have to spend from two to three and a half years to obtain additional higher education.

From what course can you get a second degree?

Students of both primary and advanced courses are capable of obtaining another education at the same time. But most of them prefer to proceed to obtaining another diploma, having completed the third year in their main specialty. This step will avoid re-taking exams in subjects that are common to the curriculum. A person must decide from which course he can obtain a second higher education independently, based on his own capabilities and goals. Statistics show that students studying in their third to fifth year choose to receive a second diploma at the same time as their first.

To begin training for an additional specialty, a student must pass certification tests, represented by a written test of a profile focus. The admissions committee is required to provide not only the usual package of documents, but also an academic certificate issued by the main place of study.

After completing parallel training, graduates, unlike their classmates, receive two state diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education. It should be noted that only universities that have a license for educational activities and state accreditation in a certain specialty can do this. Modern students should definitely remember this feature when considering the possibility of parallel studies at different institutes or universities.

Is it possible to get a second higher education for free? No. In accordance with Art. 5 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, a citizen has the right to a free tower on a competitive basis only if the citizen receives education at this level for the first time.

Federal law makes exceptions only for military personnel, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 19 Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel.” Higher education received at a military university retains your right to enroll in a budget-funded place at a civilian higher education institution.

It is also worth clarifying what “second higher education” means. In the vast majority of cases, this refers to undergraduate programs in a shortened (3 years) or full (4 years) form. Some universities retained the right to enroll applicants for traditional specialty programs with a 5-year period of study until 2009 (for example, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University or TPU).

International education

A reasonable question arises: if you can’t study for free in Russia, is it possible abroad? The answer is yes, but it's not that simple.

By the way, everyone who entered the university before 2008 inclusive has the qualification of a certified specialist. Those who later become specialist students, unfortunately, cannot receive a master's degree for free.

However, if you have a master’s degree, then you have no right to apply for education at the expense of the state. It doesn't matter whether you studied for free for those two years or not. The fact is that in this case, in fact, you already have an education of this level and receiving it a second time will only cost money.

Studying at two universities

There is also an option for a second education, such as combining studies at two universities. In one you will be listed as a student (where your original documents are located), and in the other as a student (if you provide the university with a certified photocopy of your certificate and certificate from your main alma mater). As in the case of a master's degree, it follows that you receive the same level of education twice, and education at the second university will be paid.

Studying in different countries:

  • Germany. Tuition is free, but you need to pay semester fees and health insurance;
  • Holland. Scholarships for Russians: Orange Tulip Scholarship – scholarship program for Dutch universities;
  • France. Foreign students at public universities pay a symbolic few hundred euros per year;
  • Czech Republic. Education is free provided that you receive education in Czech.