How to choose the right time to buy an apartment. When is the best time to buy housing? What is the best way to buy housing?

The question of when is it better to buy an apartment is very serious - because depending on the season, apartment prices can fall and rise by 5% - 10%. The same changes are occurring in other markets - foreign exchange, food, tourism and automobile. Moreover, for example, in the summer, when the automobile market is at its peak, the real estate market falls.

Let's figure out when it is better to buy an apartment and what traditionally happens in the real estate sector due to the changing seasons, what is the advantage of this or that period in relation to the current crisis situation.

Although winter begins in December, in the realtors' calendar December is autumn and winter lasts two months - January and February. The winter “dead season” is due to the fact that the main real estate purchases have already taken place in December.

In addition, “New Year’s sprees” begin with trips to winter resorts and visits to relatives. The analysis of your financial capabilities and annual planning begins. Real estate sales begin in the second half of February.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the supply of apartments; people are gradually beginning to realize their plans. Little by little, interesting prices and interesting offers begin to appear.

However, experts clearly note that winter is not the best period for either buying or selling. The supply is quite meager and there are no “tastiest” apartments on the market in winter. The bulk of the apartments put up for sale are those that could not be sold in the fall - that is, “illiquid niliquidovich.”

Demand is also extremely low due to the long holiday marathon. Therefore, from the end of December to mid-February the real estate market is “dead”. People are preparing for the spring flood.

February is over. By the beginning of March, buyers become more active and demand quickly begins to outstrip supply. The priorities of the population change in the spring; this is understandable in physiological, psychological and financial aspects. are changing.

Real estate prices begin to rise. This especially applies to country houses, dachas and other gardens. Prices for these properties rise until mid-April and plateau during the May holidays.

The second wave of price increases begins on May 10. People foresee that in June the release of apartments onto the market will stop and there will be no good offers. In anticipation of the summer heat, buyers are also paying special attention to suburban housing - here they can get away from the heat and stuffiness.

This protracted spring rise lasts until the tenth of June, that is, until the start of mass holidays. The closer the end of the summer season is, the more buyers and fewer sellers, country houses and dachas are at their peak and such properties are now the most expensive.

Buying country real estate during this period is not a very wise thing to do, but selling a dacha is the right time. Prices are at their peak and there are a lot of buyers.

Buying and selling apartments in summer

As in the winter months of January and the first half of February, summer is traditionally a low season for real estate sales. People are beginning to shed the fatigue and stress that has accumulated over the winter and spring. Active buyers are disappearing from cities in the direction of dachas, forests and all sorts of Egypt.

Offers for the sale of apartments are entering the market by inertia, but the demand is low. It is during this period that you can leisurely, one might say savoring, choose a good apartment for yourself. Prices in summer are the lowest of the year, and the supply is quite large.

The situation is the same in winter, but in winter the supply is noticeably more scarce. Even professional figures in the real estate market hold various promotions at this time and give out interesting offers to attract clients.

Since almost all developers rely on credit money and are forced to constantly make payments to banks, they must have a constant flow of cash, which is why they organize discount campaigns, and discounts on apartments in new buildings can be significant. True, at these moments, not the most liquid apartments are sold.

This situation occurs around the tenth to twentieth of August. Therefore, summer is the season of “non-urgent” purchases; in summer, objects are bought by those clients who are not bound by deadlines. These people manage to buy a pre-selected apartment at the best prices.

Therefore, for those who have the luxury of waiting to buy an apartment or house, it is better to make purchases in the summer. There is one catch here - in the summer it is very difficult to carry out “alternative transactions” - selling your apartment and immediately buying another.

For sellers, summer is definitely a losing time.

The real estate market finally comes to life at the end of September - everyone has already returned from vacation, scattered “hot” things and started solving their problems. The peak in real estate prices occurs at the end of October - end of November.

It is during this period that the sale and purchase of apartments is greatly facilitated by the fact that real estate prices have already settled, and no drastic changes are expected before the New Year. This period is the peak of both supply and demand.

Developers, who have been working all year, are “dumping” everything they have built onto the market and the “big race” begins in the category of new buildings. The time from November to December is the peak of discount campaigns for new buildings.

Therefore, November is rightly considered the best month for both selling and buying apartments and houses.

Buying an apartment is the most important stage in the life of any person. Looking for an apartment is always inevitable stress. However, such a purchase evokes a feeling of joy, anticipation of a roof over your head and endless space to realize your design dreams. A future homeowner will certainly have the following questions: how to choose the best option at a good price? When is the best time to buy? Should you take advantage of seasonal promotions or invest now in the most tempting option on the market? Should you use the services of a realtor or save money?

Realtor services: is it worth saving on them?

It is possible to purchase an apartment without a realtor, but you should know that searching for the right housing and the paperwork process takes a lot of time. In addition, a person who does not understand this matter may miss important points, and as a result find himself homeless and without money.

The activities of a realtor do not imply anything global; any capable person can do the same. Everyone has the right to do everything themselves and save a lot. But you can also use the services of a professional who will carry out the transaction quickly and at the proper level. First you need to decide on your priorities.

What is the help and benefit from the participation of a realtor:

  • Firstly, the procedure for purchasing a home takes a lot of time and takes a lot of effort. After all, it is impossible to take a month to a year off from work and completely devote yourself to resolving the housing issue. Even in this case, the person will suffer monetary losses, which may well exaggerate the agency’s labor costs;

The realtor goes through thousands of housing options, advising the customer only those that will be essentially useful. Conducts difficult conversations with sellers, collects documents, deals with their execution and much more.

  • secondly, the housing process is quite complex, and its details, both legal and otherwise, are best left to a professional;
  • thirdly, an apartment transaction under the auspices of a realtor will eliminate many misunderstandings and problematic living space. The realtor is familiar with the pitfalls and popular types of scams.

If you decide to do without a realtor, keep in mind that you will save about 5-6% of the housing price. However, the costs of agency services can be reduced several times if you pay not for the full package of services, but only for control of the legal cleanliness of the property and assistance in completing paperwork.

What factors can reduce the cost of housing?

Housing with the same area may have different prices. There are many factors that influence the value of real estate:

  1. The main factor is location of the apartment, namely distance from the center. Where and in what city is the future living space located? The further the apartment is located from the center, the more rapidly its value decreases. This situation is explained by the presence of developed infrastructure in the city centers, where there is always an abundance of shopping centers, entertainment centers, as well as boutiques and shops.
  2. An important factor is location of housing relative to the metro. This especially applies to owners whose apartments are located away from the center. There are both positive aspects, that is, proximity to alleys and bus stops, and negative ones, such as proximity to roads and various industrial plants. Being near a plant will significantly reduce the cost of housing.
  3. The price is also affected by type of building, and year of its construction. Naturally, an apartment in a new building will be more expensive than an apartment in a Brezhnevka building. And apartments in panel houses are cheaper than in brick buildings. By purchasing apartments rather than an apartment, you will save money.
  4. Features such as layout and size also affect the price.
  5. The price depends significantly on the floor, the availability of an elevator and the quality of the entrance. Apartments on the top and first floors are cheaper than others.
  6. The presence of renovations can also play a role in the cost of the apartment. However, most people prefer an apartment without renovation, as they want to make their design dreams come true.
  7. Construction stage. The cost of an apartment increases during construction. The closer the commissioning date, the higher the price. By purchasing an apartment at an early stage of construction, you have the opportunity to save money.

Is it profitable to buy an apartment during a crisis?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which apartment is better to buy: a secondary or a new building. The real estate market is very volatile, and it is not easy to find out what will be better. However, there is a common trend: residential space is falling in price unevenly - the period of occupancy for luxury housing is increasing, and the pricing policy is also falling. Budget apartments are not much inferior in price. This happens because investors are in no hurry to make investments in difficult times, and those who are thinking of resolving their housing issue are in a hurry to make a practical deal.

Apply this trend when buying your home: the price of luxury apartments drops up to 30%, along with this, buyers are given more time to think. The budget option does not provide a significant discount. It should be noted that rightfully worthy offers will always be in demand.

Apartment buying season

There is an opinion that it is worth looking at an apartment in mid-autumn and spring. Since during this period companies are noticeably revived, activating various profitable offers, and interested parties are rapidly studying them. This trend can be explained: from April to May, and from September to November, people can spend more concentrated time searching for the right housing. In the summer, people only have vacations, summer cottages, and vacations at resorts on their minds. Winter is the time of New Year holidays.

How to buy an apartment profitably? Sounds familiar? The housing issue has always been and remains one of the most difficult. Some are purchasing housing for the first time, others are improving their living conditions, others are selling an apartment in one city and purchasing in another. Therefore, the issues of buying and selling an apartment are very relevant. And since they are associated with a lot of money, the problem of how to profitably sell an apartment and buy a new one comes to the fore. With the keyword "profitable".

Indeed, often in order to buy a new apartment it is necessary to sell the existing one. Therefore, the first part of our story will be devoted to preparing the apartment before selling it in order to make it profitable. In the following parts we will dwell on the main circumstances that determine the price of an apartment, both when selling and when buying. We will also identify the main points that you need to pay attention to when buying an apartment. We will also pay attention to options for finding clients, both for the purchase and sale of housing.

And the last part will be devoted to the issues of acquiring square meters with a lack of funds. Which includes buying an apartment with a mortgage or using maternity capital. We will also briefly pay attention to the question of how to profitably buy an apartment in a new building.

How to profitably sell an apartment and buy a new one

If you are faced with the question of how to profitably sell an apartment and buy a new one, then first you need to sell it profitably, so that later you can also buy it profitably. Ideally, of course, to make both transactions at the same time, but in order for everything to come together, you need to spend a lot of time and effort.

What does it mean to sell an apartment profitably? Is it to sell at a high price or urgently? It all depends on what goals are being pursued. Or maybe for some the benefit lies in selling a mortgaged apartment. In any case, for a profitable sale of living space, it is necessary to prepare it for this very sale. As they say, people are greeted by their clothes, and the price largely depends on the condition of the square meters.

3 secrets of preparing living space for sale

If you are selling an apartment in order to purchase a new one, then it will be easy for you to prepare it for sale. Look at your apartment from the buyer's point of view: would you want to buy it? What will you personally pay attention to when examining “applicants” for your accommodation? This is where you start!

  1. The apartment must be clean and tidy

Agree, you don’t want to purchase square meters with peeled wallpaper, a leaking tap and dirty curtains. Of course, in any case, you will do the repairs at your own discretion, but still there should be an overall pleasant impression.

Therefore, before you can buy an apartment at a profit, you need to sell the existing one at a profit. And to do this, don’t be lazy and glue, wash, and repair where necessary. This way the apartment will look well-groomed. Clean windows and fresh air will also contribute.

  1. Minimum of strangers

If you want to sell your apartment quickly and profitably, then try to take your existing children and animals outside the property during the viewing. Not everyone loves animals, so it is advisable to temporarily disguise their presence. And children can create noise and distract the owners, which not everyone will like.

  1. All eyes on the entrance

The entrance is also important. In addition to inspecting the apartments, you yourself will have to become an involuntary witness to the life of the entrance. Broken bottles and cigarette butts will eloquently indicate a not entirely favorable situation with neighbors. Therefore, if you are, to put it mildly, unlucky with the latter, try to make sure that this is not visible.

Advice! Invite clients to inspect square meters on weekdays. This way, you will be more likely not to run into neighbors, especially if they have a habit of making trouble, and your walls are made of cardboard.

3 main steps when selling an apartment

All actions related to the sale of an apartment that will be described in this chapter are also suitable for the question of how to profitably buy an apartment. Therefore, remember, you will need all the information in the next transaction.

  1. Collecting documents

It is necessary to collect the entire package of documents for living space. First of all, these will be documents confirming the right of ownership: a certificate, an acceptance certificate, and, if available, a technical or cadastral passport. You will also need an extract from the home book and personal documents of all persons indicated in it: passports, birth certificates.

Don’t forget about a certificate confirming that there are no debts on utility bills and the notarized consent of the other half to sell the home, in the case of an officially registered marriage.

When purchasing new apartments, do not hesitate to request all the specified papers from the seller.

  1. We draw up an agreement

The main document for the purchase and sale of an apartment is an agreement under which one party buys and the other sells square meters. You will be lucky enough to act as both sides. Therefore, pay special attention to this document. Check that all technical characteristics of the living space, its cost, address, as well as the method and terms of payment are correct.

Tip number two!

  1. Take the time to draw up an interim agreement, the advance payment under which serves as a certain guarantee that the transaction will take place. Accordingly, when purchasing an apartment in advance, you will “stake out” it for yourself.

Before selling residential real estate, do not forget to register all family members, and upon subsequent purchase, register at the new place of residence within a certain time.

As for the sale of the apartment, we will stop there, since it is not the main character of our article. More complete information about the profitable sale of living space is collected in the publication. We move on to the main topic of our conversation: how to buy an apartment profitably. Although, all the information below can also be applied in the case of selling square meters.

How to buy an apartment profitably: what about the price and where to look for new housing?

Well, let's get started! What is primarily behind the question “how to buy an apartment profitably”? Of course, the price! The lower it is, the more profitable the purchase is considered. But this is only in the case when the new living space completely suits us. It can hardly be considered a profitable purchase to purchase a cheap apartment somewhere on the outskirts that has not seen any renovation.

Therefore, now we will begin to determine the main factors that determine the cost of residential premises.

10 Factors Behind Home Costs

  1. Territorial factor

An apartment in the city center will be more expensive than in the suburbs. And the presence of developed infrastructure will slightly increase its cost. If you are a fan of a quiet, peaceful life without fuss and you don’t care about the distance of your future home from work, a clinic, etc., then you can buy an inexpensive apartment somewhere in a residential area.

If it is important for you to have work, a school, a kindergarten, and other infrastructure within walking distance, then for the same apartment as in a residential area you will have to pay a larger amount. But as already mentioned, this will also be considered a profitable purchase, since not only the living space itself will be important to you, but also its convenient location.

The price may also be affected by the surrounding area: the well-kept yard, the presence of convenient parking and a children's playground.

  1. Exploring the house

Here all attention is paid to the year of construction and the type of house. It is clear that square meters in a house built a couple of years ago will be more expensive than a similar apartment in an old Khrushchev-era building.

  1. Location of the apartment and the presence of a loggia

Square meters on the first and last floors are sold somewhat cheaper than their counterparts on the middle floors, as well as corner apartments. But the presence of a loggia, on the contrary, will add a little to the price.

  1. Repair

It all depends on you: what you mean by how profitable it is to buy an apartment. Some are looking for a living space that has undergone major renovations so that they can move in and not think about anything. Such apartments will not be cheap. Others, on the contrary, want to do repairs in their own way. It is more profitable for them to buy housing with inexpensive repairs, but at a lower price.

  1. Square

The more square meters the living space has, the more money you will have to pay for it. Usually the price of an apartment is determined per square meter. So consider it!

  1. Rooms

The price is also affected by the number of rooms and their location relative to each other. For example, walk-through rooms are not very comfortable for living. And a studio kitchen is not for everyone.

  1. Bathroom

A separate bathroom is preferable, so if the apartment you choose has an adjoining one, you can safely ask for a discount.

  1. View from the window

Also an important factor. Who wants to admire the wall of an adjacent building or the canopy of a store every day? But if everything else suits you, you can also ask for a discount for this inconvenience.

  1. Communal payments

Before you buy an apartment at a profit, do not forget to ask the previous residents how much money they spend on utility bills. Perhaps the purchase will not be so profitable. Check the availability of meters: they will allow you to save a lot in the future.

  1. Entrance

The entrance has already been mentioned above. You should like its appearance as much as the apartment itself. And the presence of an elevator and a concierge can increase the cost of square meters.

Where to look for new housing? 3 sure ways

As a rule, many people entrust housing issues to professionals. The real estate agency will do everything quickly and clearly: it will find a candidate for both the purchase and sale of housing, will help with the preparation of documents and the implementation of the transaction. But there are times when those wishing to purchase new square meters search themselves or in parallel with a realtor. For them information on ways to find new housing.

  1. Studying advertisements

Nowadays only lazy people don’t write advertisements. They can be submitted both through the media or print publications, and through the World Wide Web. Some even post advertisements around the city. Our task is to study all these advertisements and choose the most attractive options for inspection. The advantage of this method is that, as a rule, advertisements are accompanied by photographs. And we, at home, sitting on the sofa, in a calm atmosphere, will be able to try on this or that design for ourselves.

  1. We write advertisements ourselves

You can go the opposite way and do the “writing” yourself. If you already have a specific house in mind where you would like to buy an apartment, post advertisements directly on the entrance. If there is an offer, it will definitely find you. Or convey your desire to purchase a home to the masses through the Internet and television.

  1. You for me, I for you

Contact your relatives, friends and work colleagues. Maybe one of them, or their friends, is selling living space, and even exactly the one you need. And in the case of a specific house, talk to the concierge, of course, if one is available. She will be happy to tell you not only whether an apartment in this house is for sale, but also about all the inhabitants of the house.

A few important points

And finally, on the question of how to profitably buy an apartment, I would like to draw attention to the following points.

  1. “Customizing” your home

Before making a purchasing decision, “customize” the home to suit you. Check whether you will be comfortable living there. This applies to both the apartment itself and the surrounding area. If you are an avid athlete, check for a sports area nearby. Pensioners will appreciate the location within walking distance of the clinic, and animal lovers will appreciate the dog walking area. And be sure to make sure that in the chosen area there are shops, a pharmacy and other establishments that you “need”.

  1. Inspection of living space

Try to come “to the viewing” during the daytime. This way you can notice many flaws, in particular uneven walls or ceilings. Estimate how much money future repairs will cost. Check communications and make sure the apartment is warm in winter.

Please note possible redevelopment. Don’t be shy to ask for permission, since in the future you will be responsible for illegal actions.

  1. Communication with neighbors

You should feel warm, comfortable and cozy in your new apartment. And the previous owners may hide some information. Therefore, it would be a good idea to talk with your neighbors about:

  • noise level - find out about the presence of disadvantaged neighbors;
  • comfort of living - ask about heat supply in winter, whether there are interruptions in water supply and other nuances.
  1. Collection of information about owners

Do not hesitate to ask the seller and not only ask, but also document the following points:

  • number of persons registered in the apartment;
  • documents confirming that the apartment is not encumbered with collateral, mortgage, etc.;
  • find out how the seller received ownership of the apartment, whether it was an act of inheritance, and whether there are other heirs in this case.

In general, it is your money, and a lot of money. This is your future life in the new apartments. Therefore, try to take into account all the nuances, as they say “trust, but verify.”

This concludes with information about how to profitably buy an apartment. We are waiting for questions about buying an apartment with a lack of funds. Let's find out how profitable it is to buy an apartment for a young family or with a mortgage. We will also dwell on the features of acquiring square meters in a new building.

If you plan to purchase living space in another city, then the site contains many articles about the possibility of purchasing housing in a particular city. For example, if our reader decides to conquer the capital of Russia, then we offer you to read the publication.

How to buy housing if you don't have enough money

There is almost always a catastrophic lack of money to purchase a new home. Even if we sell our old apartment to buy a new one in return. In most cases, a sale followed by a purchase implies an improvement in living conditions, and not vice versa. And here you always need additional finances.

So the question is, where can I get them? The first thing that comes to mind is a mortgage, since it is unlikely that anyone will be able to borrow such a large amount. Yes, not just to borrow, but for quite a long time. Let’s take a brief look at how to profitably buy an apartment with a mortgage.

How to profitably buy an apartment with a mortgage

Before deciding on a mortgage, you need to weigh everything carefully. A mortgage is not just a loan, it is a so-called long-term loan that will take away a good half of your income for several decades. Are you ready for this? Will you be able to repay half of your income every month for 20-25 years, if not more?

Yes, you will have your own apartment, maybe even the apartment you have dreamed of all your life. But will the joy of living there be eclipsed by the burden of continuing to live under austerity? Think about it! And to make it easier for you to make a decision, we will note a few points that will really answer the question “how to profitably buy an apartment with a mortgage.”

  1. We make calculations

Taking on the burden of a mortgage is only beneficial if your monthly payments are no more than 30-40% of your income. This is the only way you can live approximately the same as before the mortgage. Yes, some expenses will have to be cut, but these will not be expenses for essential things.

A mortgage should not significantly hit your pocket and affect the satisfaction of your family’s needs. This is the only way to enjoy life in your new home.

  1. Possibility of early repayment of mortgage

Consider whether you will be able to pay off your mortgage early. After all, what can I say – a mortgage in itself cannot be profitable. You will still have to pay interest for using it, which over the entire period can amount to a considerable amount.

Therefore, it is also beneficial to take out a mortgage if you know that you can repay it ahead of schedule. Maybe soon you will sell some other movable or immovable property, which will pay off most of the amount. Or a big income awaits you. Calculate all options.

  1. Finding a profitable mortgage lending program

Don't take out a mortgage from the first bank you come across. Analyze the offers of all banks, compare mortgage interest rates. Find out if you qualify for the category of persons for whom preferential lending programs or social assistance from the state are available.

Another type of lending is the so-called installment payment. It is suitable for those who currently do not have the required amount, but will soon have it. The advantages of installments are in its terms: from three months to a year or two. But in this short period of time it will be necessary to pay the entire amount, and the down payment is usually 50% of the cost of the apartment.

In any case, if, when deciding how to profitably buy an apartment, you take out a mortgage loan, make sure that you can afford it. Otherwise, you will have to think about how to sell a mortgaged apartment, and that’s a completely different story.

How to profitably buy an apartment for a young family

Preferential mortgages, subsidies for the purchase of housing, social programs - young families can take advantage of all this. By the way, different regions have their own programs to help young families.

Separately, it should be said about maternity capital, one of the directions of which is precisely the improvement of housing conditions. If you have a second child, then you can safely contact the Pension Fund for the appropriate certificate.

With funds from maternity capital, you can pay the down payment on a mortgage loan or pay interest on it. Often, maternity capital allows you to do without a mortgage altogether. In this case, if you lack finances, you can take out a regular loan, which is much easier and more profitable to repay.

How to profitably buy an apartment in a new building

Let's move on to the last point of our story: how to profitably buy an apartment in a new building. Today, when the construction of new houses is developing at a frantic pace, many prefer primary housing to secondary housing. Let us also touch on this issue and determine the main pros and cons of such a deal, so that in the end it will really be profitable. Let's start with the positives.

Advantages of purchasing square meters in a new building

  1. Lack of housing history

In a new building, you will be the first owner of the apartment. This means that you will not need to check the previous owners to see if all the owners of the apartment and those living in it have been registered. Maybe someone was forgotten? Or whether all family members agree to sell the apartment. There can be many nuances.

It also happens that new owners think a lot about the fact that someone has already lived in this living space. They begin active renovation activities even when the apartment is in relatively good condition. They want to do everything their own way and get rid of the spirit of the previous owners once and for all. Therefore, a new building in which no one has lived before will be better for them

  1. the freedom of action

During the construction phase of a new building, you can do the entire layout of the rooms, their decoration and repairs at your own discretion. There will also be no need to check the communication due to the fact that it will be completely new.

  1. Issue price

As a rule, the price per square meter in a new building will be lower than for a similar living space on the secondary market. Especially if the contract is concluded before the house is delivered. But here risks come into play, and will there be this very change?

Disadvantages of housing in a new building

  1. Risks

We have already partially touched on the first disadvantage. The construction of a new house does not always end successfully. It happens that it is suspended or completely stopped. Those. According to the contract, you are promised to receive finished walls by December, but you receive them only in June.

Therefore, before concluding a contract for shared construction, carefully check the reputation of the developer.

  1. Additional expenses

The price of an apartment in a new building is not yet its final price. Think about how much more you will have to spend on finishing, repairing and furnishing it. Of course, these are pleasant worries, but at the same time they are also financially costly. And the psychological factor will do its job: you can simply get tired of the endless search for cheaper materials and monitoring the construction crew.

When purchasing an apartment in a new building, be prepared for the fact that over the course of several more years you will have to get used to the sounds of renovations being done. Not all neighbors move in at once. Many people buy housing on the primary market only for the purpose of selling it later.

How to buy an apartment profitably: on the secondary or primary market, everyone decides for themselves. For some, the first priority is the opportunity to be the first owner of the apartment and initially do everything for themselves. For others, it is preferable to move into a ready-made home, make or not make repairs to it, and live quietly.

And lastly: after purchasing square meters, do not forget that you are entitled to a tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the cost of the apartment. True, not from its entire value, but only from its two million. Therefore, if you are officially employed and have not yet exercised this right, you can safely contact the tax office to fill out a declaration.

It should also be remembered that if our reader does not want to pay tax on the sale of an apartment, then for five years he will have to live in a new living space.

Let's summarize

This is the end of our exciting journey into the world of real estate. We found out that the question “how to buy an apartment profitably” is multifaceted. This can be done either in cash or with mortgage funds. You can purchase both secondary and primary housing. You can purchase a new home while simultaneously selling the previous one. What will be more profitable for you? Decide for yourself! Only by making the right decision and taking concrete steps towards its implementation, you will soon become the owner of the keys to new apartments!

Every person who wants to sell their residential property quickly and at a higher price often wonders what time of year is best to make such a transaction? After all, selling and buying an apartment is a very responsible step. Therefore, this issue must be approached very seriously.

In addition, it is no secret that buyers are also wondering what time period is best to purchase an apartment so that real estate prices are not very high. You can learn about all this while reading this article.

Seasonality as a factor influencing housing demand

So, almost all people would like to live in their own apartment and not pay too much money for a rented corner. Currently, few citizens can afford to purchase their own housing. For this reason, most people who want to sell real estate are wondering how possible it is to do this in the near future or is there no need to rush? I would like to say right away that almost no one buys apartments in winter. But what does this have to do with?

If you believe the opinion of experts, then profitable offers for the sale and purchase of real estate can be found at any time. And indeed it is. However, statistics show that the time of year greatly influences consumer demand. Therefore, citizens who are wondering when is the best time to sell an apartment should know that in winter, and especially in January, it is extremely undesirable and unprofitable to carry out real estate transactions. Because in December preparations for

Accordingly, no one wants to make such serious purchases and invest large sums in real estate. Consequently, the housing market is expanding, and apartment prices are becoming significantly lower. This is often used by young families who want to buy real estate at a low cost.


When is the best time to sell an apartment? As already stated above, this should not be done in January. Because in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to get a large amount of money for the sold property. As autumn approaches, consumer demand for housing increases sharply. Because many parents want to buy housing for their children who are leaving to study in another city. This happens exactly in the fall. Thus, it is best to sell an apartment from August to September. Because it is at this time that consumer demand reaches its peak.

Why not in summer

Citizens who are interested in the question of when is the best time to sell an apartment should be aware that this is also not worth doing at the end of May. Unless, of course, a person is interested in quickly getting rid of excess living space. After all, preparations for summer begin in spring. Children are taking exams, preparing to enter universities, parents are worried about where to send their child to rest or go on a family vacation.

Thus, the question of buying a home during this period interests few. Therefore, real estate prices will not be too high. Of course, if a person does not have the opportunity to delay the process of selling a home, then he can sell the apartment at any time. However, no one can guarantee that the latter will get the maximum possible amount of money for this.

What is better - selling the apartment or renting it out? This is a very interesting question, which is currently becoming increasingly relevant. After all, many people have two or even three apartments. At the same time, you need to pay for each property. So, in this case, is it better to sell or rent out the property?

Here you need to act depending on the situation. If a person rents out housing to another family or a single person, the owner of the apartment will be able to have a constant source of additional income every month. Nevertheless, many property owners pay for utilities themselves. In addition, the latter also have to pay for major repairs. This is also quite expensive. Therefore, if a person has another home, then it is best to sell the other one and use the funds for other purposes.

But in the case when the family lives in another city or in a country house, and the apartment is empty, then, most likely, it should be rented out to other people. So the housing will be under supervision, and extra money will never hurt.


People who want to purchase real estate often pay attention to the condition of the apartment. In most cases, its cost depends on this.

After all, if the housing requires major repairs, then it is unlikely that the owner of the apartment will be able to receive the maximum amount of money for it. Of course, if the property is located in the center of a big city and the buyer wants to purchase it, then he will pay any money for it. But this happens very rarely. After all, most often secondary housing is bought by people who cannot afford to buy an apartment in a new building due to its high cost. Therefore, sellers interested in the question of how best to sell an apartment - with or without renovations - should know that the living space must have a good appearance. Because in this case its cost will be much higher.

This does not mean that the apartment needs to be renovated, but it is advisable to replace the plumbing and pipes. In addition, it will be good if the buyer wants to look at the property and see clean and fresh wallpaper on the walls, good doors in the bathroom and toilet, and new windows. After all, not only the price of the apartment, but also the period of its sale will depend on this.

Announcement text

It's no secret that nowadays most people are trying to sell their home through various websites or newspapers. At the same time, all advertisements are quite similar and do not always attract the buyer’s attention. What needs to be done in order to sell your property more quickly and successfully? First of all, you need to make your ad stand out from others. It is best to attach photographs of your home, briefly describe its location, and also indicate that negotiability is possible in case of purchase.

Most often, people are attracted to advertisements with the following text: “I am selling an apartment with a good repair.” But this does not mean at all that the seller should immediately begin remodeling or a new ceiling. Here it will be enough that the owner of the apartment replaces the pipes, plumbing, hangs fresh wallpaper, and also frees the house from unnecessary furniture. Thus, the housing will seem much larger than it is.

Use the agency's services

People who are wondering how best to sell an apartment through an agency should know that they need to go to the company that is in high demand. You can find out about the reputation of the campaign from friends, via the Internet, or by visiting the office in person. It is very important to check their documents before signing an agreement with a real estate agency. This is necessary so as not to accidentally stumble upon scammers.

Basically, good realtors help people sell apartments very quickly at the best price. Commissions for the agency's work are calculated from this amount.


So, when is the best time to sell an apartment to get the highest amount of money for it? As stated earlier, this is one of the most pressing issues currently of interest to many people who want to sell their home as quickly as possible.

So, it is best to carry out such transactions in the autumn season. Because then the demand for housing becomes higher, therefore, the apartment can be sold at a much higher price. After all, people who had a good rest in the summer want to buy a home in early autumn in order to fully improve it before the onset of cold weather.

It's not always the same

What is better - to sell or donate an apartment? According to the law, there is nothing in common between these two real estate transactions. After all, if a citizen sells an apartment, he will get a large amount of money for it, which he can spend on other purposes that are important to him. If the housing is simply donated to another, then in return the citizen will not receive anything except documents confirming the fact of the transaction.

So which is better? The question of whether to sell an apartment or donate it should be approached depending on the situation. After all, there are different moments in life. For example, if a person is sick with a fatal disease and wants to give a gift to his close relative, then it would be better for him to give away his home for free. In another situation, when a citizen intends to expand his living space, he, of course, will sell the apartment and buy a new one.

In practice, lawyers rarely encounter such questions. After all, a sale and a gift in the form of an apartment to another person are two completely different transactions. In one case, a person benefits, and in the other, he simply provides the opportunity for another to have their own home.

Bottom line

So, the question of what time is best to sell an apartment can be answered clearly - only in the fall. Although people interested in buying their own home are ready to purchase real estate at the lowest price even in winter and summer. After all, the latter are just waiting for the moment when apartments become a little cheaper. But this is not very profitable for sellers. After all, you can wait until the moment when apartments will cost much more. Thus, if there is nowhere to rush, then it is worth holding off on selling until a certain time. It is possible that then the price of housing will become even higher than the market price.

What is the best way to sell an apartment yourself? It needs some minor cosmetic repairs, replacement of plumbing and pipes. If you have the financial means, you can install new doors and windows. Only after this, submit an advertisement for the sale of housing on the Internet or in a newspaper.

Buying an apartment is a pressing issue that interests most citizens of the Russian Federation. Buying an apartment is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Today we will analyze in detail how to buy an apartment profitably and correctly and not make mistakes.

How to buy an apartment profitably? Obviously, the most financially profitable option would be to buy an apartment for cash. But at the current price, very few such transactions are made. Few people can afford to buy an apartment in cash due to the high cost of housing. Therefore, the most common way of purchasing is to purchase on credit or by obtaining a mortgage. In fact, these are almost the same thing, the difference is only in percentages.

How to buy an apartment with a mortgage and what is required for this?

Today, banks are very willing to give mortgages to almost everyone. There are essentially only two mandatory conditions:

  • Russian citizenship
  • Income that can cover the mortgage payment

There are exceptions: some banks, for example, may require you to provide a guarantor or some other certificates, but this is rather an exception to the general picture.

The bank, in principle, risks almost nothing by issuing you a mortgage; you will not receive ownership until the mortgage loan is fully repaid. Accordingly, if for any reason you stop paying your monthly installments on time, the bank will simply take the apartment for itself through the court. Moreover, no one will return the amount of contributions you have already paid, and this is clearly stated in the mortgage loan agreement. It is also worth noting here that recently mortgage loans have begun to be issued not only to citizens of the Russian Federation, but also to citizens of other countries. The conditions are of course worse, in particular the interest rate is higher, but it has become possible for a citizen of Ukraine or Belarus to buy an apartment on a mortgage.

Also today there are a number of banks that provide mortgage loans without a down payment, although there are not many such banks. Basically, the bank requires from 10% (rarely) to 30% (more often) of the cost of the apartment to be paid in cash in order to obtain a mortgage loan.

In the last few years, another very convenient opportunity for purchasing housing has appeared - installment payments.

What is the best way to buy an apartment, in installments or on credit?

Of course, installments are significantly more profitable for the buyer. Installment plans for housing are most often provided by the same company that builds the housing. Almost always, installment terms are more favorable. Typically the interest rate is about 10% per year, which is significantly lower than any bank today. There are actually several nuances. If a bank can easily issue a mortgage loan for 25 years, and in some cases even 30 years, then no company yet offers installment plans for more than 10 years. You are also required to make a down payment, which will be 30% of the cost of the apartment. However, there is another hidden advantage in installments. If you are confident in the developer, then installment plans can be arranged for 10 years at a very early stage of construction. And in the early stages, when only the foundation or 2-3 floors are built, the price per square meter is significantly lower. It comes to the point that in this way you can buy an apartment at half the price compared to the real market value.

How can it be profitable for a young family to buy an apartment?

For young families there is a special government program that compensates for the entire overpayment on the mortgage. Those. Simply put, under such a program you can get an apartment on credit for 25 years without overpaying a penny. However, such a program is not available to everyone. What are the requirements for a family to take advantage of the state program:

  • One of the spouses is under 30 years old
  • Married cohabitation in one place for at least 10 years

If your young family meets the requirements, then this will be the most profitable way to buy an apartment.