How to enter a university without competition: six tips about target areas. Targeted training from Gazprom to a civil aviation university


Technology and defense companies nurture future workers right from school and help talented children enter universities. Naturally, with an eye to the fact that young specialists will come to work at their enterprises.

State and defense companies have carte blanche - every year the Ministry of Education and Science allocates them quotas of budget places for targeted training of the necessary specialists. Targeted teenagers sign an agreement with enterprises and enter outside the general competition, with a lower passing score. During their studies, they are guaranteed and paid for an internship, sometimes given an additional stipend, and for non-residents they are also given help with housing and relocation. After defending their diploma, young specialists are immediately hired - the contracts stipulate up to 3 years of “working out” for training.

Ten years ago, state-owned companies mainly sent their own employees and their children to target places. But the crisis and growing competition are forcing us to abandon this practice.


More often You can submit documents from March.

Gazprom conducts a serious selection among target groups, right up to testing them

What documents are needed to obtain a target referral?

You will need:

  • if you are studying at school - a transcript of academic performance for the first half of the graduating class, certified by the seal of the school director;
  • certificate of education, if you are a graduate of previous years;
  • a diploma of secondary specialized education if you are entering after a technical school or college;
  • copy of the passport;
  • characteristics from the place of study (if required);
  • documents confirming special achievements (certificates, medals, etc.).

So, if you have already decided on your future specialty, you can get free education at a university with the help of a targeted referral from the organization you dream of working for. The main thing is to be confident in your choice, because after training you will be required to work at the enterprise for the period specified in the target contract. Therefore, take a responsible approach to choosing a specialty and organization, collect the necessary package of documents and feel free to start studying.

After receiving your diploma, employment will be guaranteed.

Before choosing targeted training, weigh the pros and cons.

How to become a target from Gazprom


Everything seems to be clear and understandable. However, the target recruitment system is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. Target recruitment is not such an insurmountable problem as it might seem at first glance.


The main thing is professionalism. Gazprom is a global energy company. Our employees work in all time zones and at almost all latitudes - not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The company's team is one of Gazprom's main and most valuable resources - after all, the success of a business depends on the people employed in it. How natural gas is extracted The process of extracting gas and delivering it to consumers is extremely complex and requires special knowledge and skills.

Therefore, gas industry specialists must be true professionals dedicated to their work.


The class teacher told me about the target places, we discussed everything with the parents and decided to try it. In March, I already sent my forms and called everywhere. Most said that they would take me, but they only needed my documents after the Unified State Exam scores became known.

When the exams were over, I called everyone again, and with my 167 points, I was accepted into only one company. And I’m very happy about it.”

Ksenia, Russian Technological University, specialty “Radio Engineering”.

Story five. “There’s no need to work it out. Need to work"

“I wanted to enter Kazan for the target place, but when I received the Unified State Exam results, I had more points than I expected. Then I thought: why don’t I try to enroll in Moscow? I flew to the capital, visited the enterprise, and learned there about the specialties for which a competition was announced. At first I doubted it, because, for example, I would have entered the Moscow Aviation Institute without the target. But after I went to Baumanka, I realized that I wanted to study here.

That's why I signed the contract. By the way, the company told me this: we don’t need to “work off” - we need to “work.” Many take advantage of the opportunity and then do not return to the companies that paid for their studies. I think this is wrong. And you need to understand all the responsibility that you take upon yourself by signing the agreement.”

Sofia, MSTU im.

Then visit them in person or go to their websites to find out if it is possible to get a referral to a university from them.

You can get a targeted referral to a medical school through the Department of Health or a specific medical institution

How to get a targeted referral to a university: step-by-step instructions

Start preparing for admission to targeted training in advance, about six months in advance.

Here is a general algorithm of actions:

  1. Decide on the direction you want to go.
  2. Find an organization that will pay for your education and/or contact a government agency.
  3. Gather the necessary documents.
  4. Conclude a target agreement with the customer (employer or government agency).
  5. Submit your documents to the university along with a copy of the target agreement.

You can receive only one target direction to one university. Many large enterprises conduct a competitive selection among students who apply to them. They will look at your school performance and personal achievements, and conduct an interview.

An additional bonus for you could be prizes at major Olympiads close to the organization’s field.

If you receive a targeted referral from a government agency, submit your application on time. Information about the date can be found on the institution's website.

Some universities provide such information on their websites.

Information about the target areas of MSTU named after N. E. Bauman, MAI, and MIPT is presented in an accessible manner. For example, MIIT actively cooperates with JSC Russian Railways and Moscow Metro, RUDN University recruits targeted workers through Mosenergo and Gidrospetsproekt. To top universities MSTU. N. E. Bauman, HSE, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University can be reached through Gazprom.

  • You can get a referral from government agencies.
    For example, if you want to apply to medical school, contact the Department of Health in your region.
  • From local government bodies (for example, the city administration) you can obtain information about which employers submitted applications for concluding a targeted contract. There you can also write an application for a targeted direction, indicating the desired specialty.
  • You can find an organization yourself. Decide on a direction, choose large organizations in this industry.

I thought that this would be a good insurance policy in case I didn’t make it through the usual competition - the school is good, the staff is nice, so I don’t see anything wrong with working there as a teacher for a couple of years. And it was the right decision: I passed the Unified State Exam with 198 points, and I would not have entered the “budget” with such scores. When my name appeared in the ranking, for a long time I was alone in the six allocated target places.
In the end there was no competition at all. So if you doubt your scores and want to work in your specialty, be sure to apply for the target.”

Marina, Murmansk Arctic State University, specialty “Pedagogical education, Russian language and literature.”

Story three. “You can save yourself from an awesome competition the only way"

“I don’t remember the exact name of the organization with which I have an agreement, but it is some kind of municipal department of urban planning and architecture of Novokubansk. I collected all the documents in April, before the Unified State Exam. There was no competition at all - I was the only one from this customer. In theory, I should work for them after graduating from university for several years, but this is unlikely to happen, because there are no jobs there.

And it is not expected. And I chose targeted training because there was a drop-dead high competition for budget places - about 50 people per place.”

“At the beginning of 11th grade, I realized that I needed to take physics and that I was not at all ready for it. The likelihood that I would be able to enroll was small.

Targeted applicants usually score fewer points on the Unified State Exam, and these are sometimes not enough to enter a university on a budget. Therefore, they turn to government agencies and enterprises for help, which are willing to pay for the student’s entire education if he then works for their company for several years. The system is convenient and has been functioning for a long time, but few people know about it.

If you are also hearing about this for the first time, read about it here and here. Well, we are completing the series of publications about target places with the stories of the target people themselves.

Story one. "Thank you mom"

“I am in my third year of law school. My mother works in the prosecutor's office, and she handled all the necessary papers for the target referral - I remember, she went everywhere, found out everything, collected documents... In short, almost instead of me she submitted them to the Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office in Rostov-on-Don.

The competition was big - about eight people per place. I successfully passed several tests for professional aptitude, wrote the Unified State Examination, it seems, with 230 points, and brought home my gold medal. All this helped me get my target location. “I have always wanted to work in the authorities and I am very glad that now I have a contract for five years of work in the prosecutor’s office.”

Arina, St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, specialty "Jurisprudence".

The second story.
“Well, I’ll work as a teacher. Seems not bad"“The target direction was offered to me at my school.
In this request, the university is asked to provide several places to train students in certain fields.

PJSC Gazprom concludes agreements on targeted training

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has been cooperating with the Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom for many years as part of targeted training of specialists for the structural divisions of the energy company and, first of all, for Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC. The training of specialists for Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC marked the beginning of cooperation on targeted recruitment. On March 12 and 13, the SPbPU Admissions Committee, together with employees of Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC, organized testing of future target students. Testing in mathematics and physics took place in the classrooms of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Based on the test results, Gazprom PJSC concludes targeted training agreements with applicants and sends them to participate in the competition for targeted places.

An applicant comes to an educational institution with USE results and a direction, which allows him not to participate in the general competition. How to get a targeted referral to a university How to get a targeted referral to study? Pitfalls of reception Everything seems to be clear and understandable. About the target set Its features, advantages, disadvantages.

You must have with you:

  • certificate (original);
  • certificate of Unified State Examination results and other documents required by the university;
  • agreement on targeted training;

At the same time, the passing score for “target students” is lower than for regular applicants, and accordingly, the probability of admission is higher.

How to get a targeted referral to a medical school

The need for targeted specialists and training parameters here are determined by the Ministry of Health, however, the procedure for obtaining a targeted referral in this case is no different from taking a referral to other universities.

The nuances of receiving a target referral

The most important point when receiving a referral is the conclusion of an agreement:

  • with the administration that sent the applicant for training (in this case, he is allocated a budget place or a scholarship);
  • organization that wishes to cover the cost of training.

It's safe to say that the benefits of targeted training are significant:

  • opportunity to study for free,
  • admission on more favorable terms,
  • no need to worry about your future job.

However, when choosing this type of training, you need to remember that after graduation you will need to work in the chosen organization for 3 years.

  • National Mineral Resources University "Mining";
  • St. Petersburg State Economic University;
  • Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • Ukhta State Technical University.

The selection took into account such indicators as compliance of the areas of university research with the company’s technological priorities, the effectiveness of scientific and innovative activities, competitive advantages in the educational field, the level of international recognition and financial stability.

How to get a targeted training referral

    • How to take a target direction
    • About the target set
  • About the target set
    • How to get a targeted training referral from Gazprom
  • How to get a targeted training referral from Gazprom
      • Application for distance learning at MIT
    • Applicant – 2018: to the university in the target field
    • Target direction to a university: main stages of obtaining
  • Target direction to a university: main stages of obtaining. Recommendations for applicants

How to take a target direction The direction of an enterprise or organization interested in your candidacy.

The exception is universities whose founder is the relevant ministry or department, and not the Ministry of Education and Science.

Targeted training thus benefits all three parties. The university receives a guaranteed filling of budget places, the enterprise receives a specialist specially “tailored” for it, the student receives more loyal competition for enrollment, confidence in employment and a number of advantages over other applicants.


It is no wonder that future students are concerned about how to get a targeted placement in a university. After all, by studying it, they receive a number of significant advantages:

  1. Guaranteed employment.
  2. A separate competition held exclusively for target students is considered to be a little more loyal than for other applicants. It also goes much faster - the lists of those enrolled can already be seen on July 30.
  3. The cost of training is fully paid from the federal budget or by the protector organization.
  4. Possibility of admission to graduate school.
  5. The place of internship is the future place of work.
  6. Flexible schedule for combining study and work (after the third year).

Disadvantages of training in the target area

Before receiving a targeted referral to a university, an applicant must carefully study all the terms of the contract that he will have to conclude with the enterprise.

  • employer assistance in the educational process (for example, collecting the necessary information for coursework, essays, scientific articles and dissertations).

The most important and significant disadvantage of such training– an obligation you have to your employer. Even if during your studies you decide that you do not want to connect your fate with your chosen profession, you will still have to work for the period specified in the target contract. Otherwise, you will have to reimburse the funds spent on your education, sometimes in two or three times the amount.

Target recruitment 2018: what changes are possible

In 2018, the government plans to adopt a new law that will tighten the conditions for targeted admission. It is expected that the minimum period of compulsory work at the enterprise after training will be at least 3 years.

A new participant – the university – will appear in the agreement between the applicant and the employer. He will be responsible for ensuring that the document contains all obligations for both parties. It is also planned to tighten liability for failure to fulfill these obligations.

Where to get a targeted referral to a university

How to find an organization that will act as a customer for your university studies? There are several options here:

  • If you want to enroll in a specific university, contact its admissions committee and find out with which organizations it has entered into targeted admission agreements.

Referral to an enterprise or organization interested in your candidacy. If you don’t know which organization to contact, you can go to the administration, where employers send applications for specialist training. An applicant comes to an educational institution with USE results and a direction, which allows him not to participate in the general competition.

How to get a targeted referral to a university How to get a targeted referral to study?

Pitfalls of reception Everything seems to be clear and understandable.

About the target set

About the target set

Its features, advantages, disadvantages.

Everything seems to be clear and understandable. However, the target recruitment system is much more complex than it might seem at first glance.

It also contains a lot of nuances that a future applicant would do well to know. Let's look at just a few of them.

If all this doesn’t bother you, good luck. Target recruitment is not such an insurmountable problem as it might seem at first glance.

Application for distance learning at MIT

“__”________ 2019 _____________________ (Smirnov A.Yu.)

* The application must indicate the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).

* The code of the direction (specialty) must correspond to the code of the direction (specialty) of 2013.

* In information about parents, it is necessary to indicate the full last name, first name, patronymic of the parents with whom the child lives, their place of work (full name of the organization and position).

* A copy of the child’s passport is not certified.

* The reference letter from the school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

4) After receiving, go to the university with the following documents:

Certificate of Unified State Examination results and other documents required by the university;

Applicant – 2019: to the university in the target area

In case of contract training, the university has the right, in agreement with the founder, to establish a higher proportion of applicants. Targeted admission within the established quota is carried out on the basis of a targeted admission agreement concluded by the educational organization with the customers of admission: Targeted referral is given personally, only to one university and for one specialty.

Target direction to a university: main stages of obtaining

Target direction to a university: main stages of obtaining.

For most applicants, having a targeted direction to a university is a real chance to receive higher education for free.

There are many advantages to this method of admission.

Firstly, applicants will not have to endure tough competition, as when entering the general stream.

Therefore, many of them strive to get a targeted referral to a medical university, where it is very difficult to become a student.

Secondly, the problem of employment after receiving a diploma will be solved. This is currently very important.

Let's take a closer look at how to get a referral to a university.

The application can be made by the administration of the school where the applicant is studying, or by the applicant himself.

The university must provide confirmation of the availability of places before the admissions committee begins its work.

Moreover, information should be provided on the number of places for each specialty or direction.

Subsequently, there will be a competition for each place, but only among target audiences.

This issue has its own subtleties.

The fact is that every university

independently establishes the minimum that will be necessary for the competition.

So, in one institution it may be two people per place, and in another - one and a half.

In recent years, there has been a steady decline in target places. The main reason for this is the growing demographic gap.

Over the next five years, this situation will only get worse.

Among them: Currently, Gazprom includes two educational institutions of secondary vocational education: Students are our future To support and encourage the most capable and promising students, Gazprom annually provides 25 personalized scholarships based on the results of a competition.

More than 5 thousand university students annually undergo internships in Gazprom companies and organizations.

Obtaining an education in this way can be called preferential, since it is easier to enter the desired faculty - the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results is lower. In rare cases (if we are talking about a popular specialty), the requirements for competitors can be quite strict. One referral is issued only to one specific person, it cannot be transferred to another applicant, and it is prohibited to use it for admission to several universities.

Omsk State Technical University: how to enroll in the target place

In 2020, Omsk State Technical University opened enrollment for 700 targeted places. The university trains two-thirds of specialists for Omsk enterprises of the military-industrial complex. These enterprises are part of three large departments - the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Roscosmos and Rosatom.

Gazprom target set

A number of Gazprom subsidiaries have opened regional offices where school graduates can prepare for admission to a specialized university. Together with universities, Gazprom conducts career guidance events and Olympiads to select the most promising graduates for further targeted training at universities.

For students and graduates

For young professionals, we are implementing a three-year program for developing corporate and professional competencies of employees. Participation in the program under the guidance of an experienced mentor is a guarantee of a dynamic career start in the oil and gas industry. From the first days of work, you will immerse yourself in solving interesting problems, take part in major projects and be able to propose new approaches and effective solutions, applying in practice the knowledge acquired during your studies. When you come to work with us as part of the program for young professionals, you can be sure that you will receive equal opportunities with your senior colleagues for development and fulfillment in the profession and personally. We are waiting for you - create a resume in your personal account, sign up for vacancies and your career start will not be far off.

The Moscow Refinery has opened enrollment for targeted training at Gubkin University

Recruitment takes place on a competitive basis among 11th grade students with high academic performance in specialized subjects. Schoolchildren who have passed the preliminary test and passed the Unified State Exam will be accepted into government-funded places. Targeted training is part of a comprehensive cooperation program between Gazprom Neft and leading educational institutions in Russia.

Target direction to Moscow universities in 2020: documents and procedure for obtaining

In 2020, many universities in Moscow are accepting applicants in targeted areas. Thus, JSC Russian Space Systems (RSS) issues targeted directions to those wishing to study at such capital universities as MSTU. Bauman, MEPhI, MAI, MIREA, MPEI, MIIGAiK in thirteen specialties. Areas of training include geodesy, radio-electronic and telecommunication systems, infocommunication technologies, nanotechnology and instrument engineering. But to obtain such a document for training, it is not enough to desire to obtain the chosen specialty. To do this, you need to take part in a competitive selection. That is:

Target recruitment in 2020 Training on a budgetary basis of highly qualified specialists with subsequent employment in JSC Russian Space

12 Competition and admission To participate in the competition for targeted places, you must: Select a university and field of study Fill out and send the application form of a candidate for targeted training along with a reference from a general education institution for admission to the targeted field by email. Address: Attend targeted recruitment meetings. organized in organizations. Pass an interview in the department of training and retraining of personnel Provide information on academic performance and the results of the Unified State Examination What documents are required for admission: A complete list of documents presented by applicants A letter of referral for targeted admission from the organization An agreement for targeted training between the Student and the organization.

Target set

A citizen who has not fulfilled his employment obligations, except for the cases established by the agreement on targeted training, is obliged to fully reimburse the body or organization for the costs associated with providing him with social support measures, as well as pay a fine of two times the specified costs. If a student who successfully graduates from an educational organization is not hired, the body or organization pays him compensation in the amount of double the costs associated with providing him with social support measures.

Targeted reception

Conclude an agreement with the enterprise on targeted training, which provides for an obligation to work at this enterprise for a certain number of years after completion of training (requirement of Article 56 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Tomsk State University website

The department provides targeted training for masters in the field of design, development and operation of telecommunications and geoinformation space systems for industrial applications (communication satellites, Earth remote sensing satellites, etc.) to work at Gazprom Space Systems OJSC and implement company projects.

If the employer violates the terms of the contract, then he will pay the money to the university, plus the average salary for three months to his target. In May 2019, the government approved the share of places that can be allocated under the target quota. This percentage is different for different directions. For example, in the specialties "agronomy", "philology", "linguistics" and others, target students will receive 10 percent of all budget places, in "instrument engineering" 20 percent of places, in "radio engineering" - 30, and in "choreographic art and performance", " folk singing" - exactly half. On “special life support systems” the percentage of target students will reach 60. In the specialty there are areas of training where absolutely all students will be target students. This is, for example, the specialty of “countering technical intelligence.”

Applicants have only a few days left to get their target direction and enter the university under a special quota without competition.

1. Who can give directions?

Federal government bodies, state authorities in the regions, local governments (in other words, these are ministries and departments of various levels), state and municipal institutions - hospitals, clinics, theaters, archives, as well as unitary enterprises, state corporations, state companies.

Defense-industrial organizations included in a special register can provide directions. Joint-stock companies whose shares are owned or in trust by a state corporation and some other organizations have the right to order training for target audiences.

2. What specialties can an applicant be referred to?

The list is very large - there are several dozen names in it. It is clarified and updated from time to time. This year, “geology”, “geography”, “chemistry”, “psychology”, “foreign regional studies”, “international relations”, “sociological sciences” and others were added to the bachelor’s program. The list in the specialty is also impressive. This year, “fundamental mathematics and mechanics” and “law enforcement” were added.

3. Where to go for directions?

This is the most difficult question. You'll have to surf the Internet. We are looking for either a department that is responsible for the chosen field of activity, or a large enterprise or corporation where you are potentially ready to work. There we look for management or the personnel department, write or call.

If you live in Moscow and want to become a doctor, you need to send an online application to the capital’s Department of Health, then submit your documents to the Department of Personnel Policy and Education, including an assessment sheet, which contains information about all achievements. Documents are accepted from May 13 to June 13. Ready to work in the oil and gas industry? Gazprom can provide direction. It has 17 partner universities. A referral to Phystech (MIPT) can be given by FSUE TsNIIMash, RSC Energia, and the Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). Acceptance of applications to TsAGI from potential targets begins on February 1. Excellent students after the second semester will receive an additional 5 thousand rubles per month to their scholarship.

Do you want to become a target specialist at the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy? Muscovites need to contact the Moscow prosecutor's office, guys from the regions - to the prosecutor's offices of their regions. Pre-registration for candidates begins in February. Representatives of the prosecutor's office meet with each target candidate personally.

4. What documents are needed in order to receive a target referral?

Personal documents, diplomas of participation in various competitions and olympiads, a certificate from school about academic performance. Usually, employers want the candidate to study for 4 and 5. The results of the Unified State Exam can be brought later. Sometimes departments ask for a reference from a school.

5. Is it possible to enroll at Moscow State University in a targeted area?

Yes. But there are only a few such students there. At Moscow State University, the lists of enrolled target students include those who were given referrals by the Government of North Ossetia-Alania, the Government of the Bryansk Region, the Administration of the Lipetsk Region, the Government of the Altai Republic, personally the head of one of the regions... At the Faculty of Law there are guys with targeted referrals from the Prosecutor General’s Office.

6. How many target students will universities accept?

This information is open and available on the website of each university. MEPhI, for example, will admit 78 people to bachelor’s and specialty degrees this year. There are places for targeted students at HSE - more than 200. MSLU will accept 70 targeted students for bachelor's and master's degrees. MGIMO will allocate 34 places for targeted students. Law Academy named after. Kutafina (including branches) will admit 94 target students to the bachelor's degree and 75 to the specialty.

Organizing the reception of documents from citizens who have expressed a desire to take part in the competitive selection for concluding a targeted training agreement in 2019

Basic concepts:

Targeted applicant- a citizen receiving higher professional education as part of targeted training, permanently registered in the city of Moscow, and who has expressed a desire to work in medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow after completing his studies at an educational institution of higher professional (medical) education in the city of Moscow.

Evaluation paper– information about the individual achievements of the target applicant. Accounting for individual achievements is carried out by awarding points for individual achievements. These points are awarded to the target applicant who has provided documents confirming the receipt of the results of individual achievements, and are included in the amount of competitive points.

Educational organizations- educational institutions of higher professional (medical) education in the city of Moscow, which have a license to carry out educational activities and implement targeted training within the framework of contractual relations with the Moscow Department of Health.

The procedure for selecting target applicantsfor concluding agreements on targeted training

In 2019, the Moscow Department of Health, in accordance with the target figures for the need for specialists, carried out a competitive selection for concluding agreements on targeted training for specialty programs in federal higher state educational organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, located in the city of Moscow according to the established quota:

Name of educational organization

Name of specialty

Planned number of students

General Medicine

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Medical and preventive care

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


General Medicine

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


General Medicine

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation