State employees will have their salaries increased, but only on paper. State employees will have their salaries increased, but only on paper Will teachers’ salaries be increased this year?

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Will there be a salary increase for teachers in 2018? This is one of the most frequently asked questions recently. Today, depending on the region in which representatives of the educational sector work, salaries vary around 20 thousand rubles. However, in practice, not every teacher has what level of accrual. Local authorities are taking the initiative to reduce wages. At the same time, the workload on teachers is increasing. This is the latest news.

Prospects for teachers in 2018

Many teachers are interested in the question of how salaries will be increased this year. Today, the income of education workers is based on the following factors:

  • teacher's work experience;
  • his place of residence;
  • the possibility of using the latest methods in education;
  • presence of classroom management;
  • number of hours worked.

According to official information announced by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the budget contains funds to increase wages for employees in the education sector. At the moment it is growing, but still does not reach the increase in inflation. The fact is that over the last year the increase in prices for goods and services in the Russian Federation amounted to about three to four percent.

This means that the purchasing power of the population has fallen. The salaries of public sector employees are not always enough to cover everyday needs. To this day, it remains unknown whether there will be a salary increase for teachers in 2018. The latest news does not provide a clear answer to the question.

Other sources report that the draft budget for 2018 has already been adopted. There were no changes made regarding the increase in teachers' salaries.

Prospects for professional growth of teachers

What will teachers' salaries be?

Let's figure out what the forecasts for salary increases for teachers might be. The latest news, in which officials spoke out, indicates that at the beginning of 2018 there will be an indexation of teachers' salaries. This means fulfilling in practice the promise of the President of the Russian Federation.

They were recorded in the May Decrees. Until 2020, the validity of such regulatory documents will be completed. Representatives of the education sector may never see their wages increase.

According to the latest data, teacher salaries are planned to increase by 3-4%. This is exactly the level of inflation recorded in the previous year. In practice, this means that payments from the budget will increase by 1,200 rubles for each teacher. Thus, the average salary in the country should increase to 21 thousand rubles.

Please note that not in every region the salary level reaches 20 thousand rubles. In some cities and rural areas, teachers receive no more than 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether there will be a salary increase for teachers in 2018 does not have a clear answer.

At the same time, officials understand that the low level of income for public sector employees, including teachers, will affect the quality of education. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to increase teachers' incomes.

Decree on salary increase

Changes in teacher income

The new position system, which will be introduced in Russia in 2018, will have an impact on teachers’ salaries. The average salary for a beginning teacher is planned to be about 15 thousand rubles. A teacher of the highest category will receive about 60 thousand rubles. At the moment, it remains unclear what the method of calculating accrual will be for various categories of education workers.

One thing is known that all teachers will need to undergo advanced training. Government representatives are developing a bill that will develop criteria for assessing professional qualifications.

A teacher of the highest category will receive about 60 thousand rubles


Experts in the field of economics are trying to make predictions about whether there will be teachers in 2018. The latest news reports that economists doubt whether there is enough money in the Russian budget. You shouldn't expect a noticeable salary increase. This year, increasing wages is a more complex process than in the previous period. This state of affairs is related to the socio-economic situation in the country.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions about the possibility of increasing teachers’ incomes:

  1. An increase in wages for education workers is possible only by a few percent. It all depends on the level of inflation in the country.
  2. To increase their income, teachers will be required to pass an advanced training exam.
  3. Don't expect a sharp increase in wages. There is a crisis in the country now.

Static data does not always reflect the real picture. In most Russian settlements, teachers receive from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. Only in large cities the salary level for teachers reaches 20-30 thousand rubles.

He took the initiative to increase wages for education workers. Despite the fact that, according to the plan, earnings should have increased by one and a half times compared to 2012 and be 200% more than the average salary in the regions, we can note that the task was not completed.

Teachers are skeptical of these types of claims. They express doubts that wages will be increased to the promised level. We cannot close our eyes to the fact that the crisis that is emerging in the field of education is taking on dangerous implications and will entail catastrophic changes. The teaching profession is losing prestige and becoming unclaimed. It would seem that the people who can be said to lay the foundation of society by educating our children need special attention and support from our government. But in reality the situation looks different. A teacher's salary does not motivate young people to choose this profession. It’s clear how this could turn out. A shortage of qualified personnel and a decline in the level of education are what we may face in the near future.

Young people with low results enter universities that train future teachers Unified State Exam. Moreover, the choice of profession is motivated not by love for this type of activity, but by the notorious low passing grade. Only high competition remains for teachers of computer science and foreign languages. This is due to the fact that the children do not really believe that they will work in schools, and just in case, they choose a profession in which they can realize themselves outside of educational institutions. In our article we will tell you whether there will be an increase in teachers' salaries in 2018.

Teachers' salaries in 2018 are a priority area

The issue of attracting young people to the educational sphere is acute today. Schools, more than ever, need young, effective staff with a fresh perspective and renewed vigor. Basically, the teachers who work in Russian schools today are elderly people. Many teachers have long come to pension and continue to teach. Despite all the inexorable merits of educators with extensive experience and experience, there is a slight imbalance.

Older people are not able to adapt to changes quickly enough. Moreover, most of them have the technology to suit you. And at present, it is necessary to attract people to work in schools who will be able to take advantage of all the innovative tools and methods that have appeared in Russian schools in recent years. In distant regions and outbacks the situation can be described as deplorable. Young teachers have no desire to go to work in remote villages and distant settlements.

Salaries in distant settlements are disproportionate to labor. Young people lack healthy motivation to leave the city to work as a rural teacher. VTsIOM provides depressing figures. As a result of a survey of Russians, 37% stated that the teaching profession is not at all prestigious, but 42% respondents said that it is impossible to live on a teacher’s salary in Russia.

The same critical situation has developed in the field of preschool education. Wages for kindergarten workers are so meager that qualified workers are becoming rare. If you manage to find a good teacher or nanny, then this is the exception rather than the rule. It should be noted that in the country’s higher educational institutions, young professional personnel are as rare as good teachers in kindergartens. Mostly, people of retirement age teach. Assistants prefer to leave universities and move on to any other job. For example, they become office managers. It's all because of the meager salary, as in all previous cases.

The government cannot ignore the scale and seriousness of the problem. The task of increasing the prestige of the teaching profession and increasing interest in this type of activity is a priority today.

It is planned to increase wages, not only for directors and head teachers, but also for ordinary teachers. Teaching staff at universities can also count on increased income.

Current salary situation for accountants

It is still difficult to say how much teachers’ salaries will change in a year. We present the average values ​​for Russia, which reflect what the income of teachers was in the past 2017.

  • Teachers of higher educational institutions, namely academies, universities and institutes, earned approximately 35 thousand rubles every month;
  • The monthly salary in secondary schools reached an average of 27.5 thousand rubles;
  • In kindergartens, teachers received approximately 21 thousand;
  • The industrial training masters were content with an amount equal to 23.5 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that these are average values ​​for Russia. This means that in different regions of our Motherland, wages are strikingly different.

It is impossible to objectively give an assessment based on average values, because the salary of a rural teacher differs significantly from that in Moscow. In St. Petersburg and the capital, salaries are two or even three times higher than the amount received in other cities.

Let's consider how much our teachers in the regions receive per month:

  1. Moscow – 58,780 rubles;
  2. Yamalo-Nenets District – 78,000 rubles;
  3. Chukotka – 76,600 rubles;
  4. Murmansk – 57,200 rubles;
  5. Khabarovsk Territory – 47,830 rubles;
  6. St. Petersburg – 41,720 rubles;
  7. Tatarstan – 33,670 rubles;
  8. Krasnodar – 31,435 rubles;
  9. Samara – 28,620 rubles;
  10. Voronezh – 25930 rubles;
  11. Pskov – 24,430 rubles;
  12. Ivanovo – 23,000 rubles;
  13. Penza – 21,700 rubles;
  14. Mordovia – 19,900 rubles;
  15. Dagestan – 17,400 rubles.

In villages, teacher pay varies from 9 thousand to 13 thousand rubles.

Salaries of university teachers and preschool workers in 2018

The average salary of teachers in higher education institutions barely reaches 30,000 rubles. This salary is received by people who have decent teaching experience behind them. Assistants have to make do 12,000 rubles on average. These values ​​apply to both small and large cities in Russia. An associate professor working in the province earns a month 15,000 rubles, and the assistant is trying to live on his due 10000 . The salaries of rectors and deans are strikingly different from those of ordinary teachers. A dean's salary can be about one hundred thousand a month, and a university rector can earn even more. Sometimes the level of monthly income reaches three hundred thousand rubles.

What happens to wages in kindergartens? How much do the people who raise our children earn while we are at work? The amounts are disappointing. On average it's 20 thousand rubles. If we move away from the average indicators, then in reality we have the following picture:

  1. Salary in Moscow is approximately 38,000 rubles;
  2. St. Petersburg – 19,000 rubles;
  3. Novosibirsk – 13,000 rubles;
  4. In cities such as Samara and Krasnoyarsk, salaries vary between 11,000 rubles;
  5. Volgograd - barely reaches 9,000 rubles.

Statistical inaccuracies

Statistical indicators do not provide a complete picture of the situation in the country as a whole. When calculating average values, both public and private educational institutions are taken into account. The presence of private institutions significantly distorts the accuracy of the results, smoothing out all real indicators to figures that are acceptable at first glance.

What salaries do private traders pay? For example, a nanny in a private kindergarten receives about 28,000 rubles for his work with children. A teacher in private schools receives a salary starting from 35,000 rubles. An associate professor has no less 60,000 rubles every month. The presence of these numbers in the overall calculation hides how things really are.

Government statistics for 2016 gives fantastic figures. The Deputy Minister of Education announced the average salaries of teachers:

One cannot but agree that one could dream of such salaries throughout Russia. But, let’s return from heaven to earth and consider on the ground how obvious and blatant contradictions we have.

After conducting a survey in the constituent entities of the federation, experts came to the conclusion that the real amounts are not nearly equal to the beautiful amounts of the government report. The real salary does not reach not only 30, but also 20 thousand. Approximately 18600 rubles teachers in the regions receive. And this is also an average.

The job market most clearly demonstrates the true state of affairs. If we analyze the data for last year, then the following number of teachers is currently required in Russian educational institutions.

So, 56% of the total number of required teachers are being sought for salaries ranging from 5,700 (!) to 17,000 rubles. In total, 440 jobs are available. 24% of 440 are offered a salary from 17,100 to 28,100. The lucky ones, who make up only 12% of the total, will be given a salary from 28,200 to 38,350 rubles for their work.

According to Vsevolod Lukhovitsky, statistics do not take into account another important factor. How exactly does a teacher manage to earn one or another salary per month? The co-chairman of the interregional teachers' union says that teachers are overworked. In order to earn at least some extra money, teachers work extremely hard.

Lukhovitsky stated that the betting system is becoming obsolete. It is necessary to carry out not an indexation of wages, but an increase in wage standards for each teacher.

It is necessary to take into account not only the number of lessons, but also the number of children. The workload of a teacher in a class where the number does not exceed 20 people and the load in a class where the number of children reaches more than 30 people differs significantly. The only way out for a Russian teacher is to overload himself. Classroom management, teaching elective subjects, and a large number of lessons are the path to teacher burnout. He stops thinking about the quality of his work not because he has lost interest in the profession, but because, in the pursuit of survival, he simply has neither moral nor physical strength.

Another type of teaching part-time job is “pulling up” weak students. Additional lessons bring in a small income. What does this threaten - for example, that the teacher, based on selfish interests, will begin to lower grades in order to expand the number of “lagging behind”. Then the heavy artillery comes in - pressure on parents that their child will not graduate from school without additional classes. Teachers who cannot earn extra money leave schools altogether.

What to expect from teachers' salaries in 2018?

According to forecasts, teacher salaries in 2018 may be increased. The optimization that will be carried out this year should have a positive impact on the education sector.

But you shouldn’t expect that all teachers’ salaries will be increased.

It depends on the regional authorities how much they will add to teachers and whether they will add anything at all. The teacher's salary itself is only part of the salary. But its full amount is formed individually, depending on the length of service, category, etc. has a teacher. A novice teacher does not receive anywhere near the salary that a teacher with over ten years of experience has. Due to the fact that indexation directly affects the salary and not the salary as a whole, the maximum increase will only reach 5,5%.

The government does not have money to increase rates. From the point of view of Alexei Kudrin, it is possible to significantly change the course of affairs only by revising the budget policy of the state as a whole. By such a revision we can mean a hypothetical redistribution of the budget, where the priority will be not the repair and equipment of schools, but the salaries of teachers.

Another dubious innovation that will affect the system of bonuses and incentives is the introduction of new titles for teachers. Titles will be awarded based on the complexity of the work. The new professional standard will bring new positions.

The following divisions will appear:

  1. Simple teacher;
  2. Senior;
  3. Leading.

Which of the above statuses a teacher belongs to will be determined through an examination. Most of all, the introduction of new titles worries teachers of retirement age. According to this category of teachers, the innovation is aimed at firing everyone pensioners from schools.

Scatter factor in

The assumption that teachers' salaries will increase by almost 200% in 2018 is not unfounded. The spread coefficient will significantly affect the teacher's salary.

In each region of Russia the situation is different. Not every subject of the federation shares the government’s opinion on increasing wages. In many regions they believe that such a salary increase is unrealistic.

Starting from 2018, the spread coefficient will have a significant impact on bet formation. What does this mean? The difference in salaries between a school principal and an ordinary teacher will be reduced. Too large a difference between employees of the same level will become unacceptable by law.

There will be a one to four system. The manager's salary should not exceed this figure. There is no reliable information yet when the announced reforms will take effect in full force.

"May Presidential Decrees"

Let's consider what was planned to be implemented before 2018, and how things stand with the implementation of the presidential order on the ground.

A report on the increase in wages for education workers is submitted to the president annually. Since 2016, teacher salary increases have been under the special control of the president. But the deadlines for completing the program are being violated. Due to budget deficits in the regions, salary increases occur with a long delay. Therefore, not without reason, we can assume that in 2018 the fundamental changes that were programmed will not follow.

Since January 2018, indexation amounted to 4% . That is, only 1200 rubles. And then, this figure is only valid for those whose monthly salary was higher 20000.

It is not known whether the situation will be corrected this year. At the very least, the government promises to stick to the course it has set towards significantly improving the living standards of teachers and other public sector workers. Time will tell how much teacher salaries will increase in 2018.

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The question of increasing wages in 2018 worries many, especially teachers, whose income is not that great. Let's take a closer look at this issue and find out whether teacher salaries will increase in 2018.

Specialties that relate to the field of education in 2018

Educational specialists include employees of preschool educational organizations, secondary and vocational education institutions, workers of various types of correctional, medical, closed, and other companies.

As for positions, it is customary to distinguish the following employees:

  • director;
  • head of academic department;
  • a secondary or higher school employee teaching a subject;
  • educator;
  • teacher;
  • teaching worker in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in Russia;
  • Instructor;
  • a person engaged in teaching and educational work;
  • psychology specialist;
  • a physician who studies the science of speech disorders;
  • musical director;
  • head of physical education;
  • nurse;
  • trainer.

At the moment, there are programs on the Internet that help calculate teachers’ salaries in 2018. However, you can calculate it yourself.

First of all, we take data on the base rate, which is 3000-3500 rubles. A coefficient will be added to this amount if the teacher:

  • teaches in the village (0.25);
  • in a special educational institution (0.2);
  • in a boarding school for orphans (0.2);
  • in a boarding school (0.15);
  • able to teach local dialects, for example, the Chechen language (0.15).

In addition, higher education, level of qualifications, the presence of distinguished people recognized by the state or society, work experience, level of the qualification system in science, and the status of the institution are taken into account. The boss can also introduce a coefficient for the complexity of the discipline he teaches.

The following indicators influence the salary:

  • length of service - the higher it is, the greater the amount of payments;
  • region - harsh climate affects salary increases;
  • management;
  • training.


Salaries may increase if prices in the country begin to rise in a 1:1 ratio. For example, if it is 10%, then the amount of payments should increase by 10%. As for 2018, the salary will be increased by 6% - 1200 rubles.

Scatter coefficient and new ranks

In 2018, the dispersion coefficient will also be taken into account when increasing employee salaries. Thus, the income of in-demand teachers and management will be set in a ratio of 1:4. That is, if the teachers’ salary in 2018 is 15 thousand rubles, then the director will receive 60.

How has a teacher's salary changed since January 1, 2018?

Since January 1, innovations have appeared for the position of education worker. The main role is now played by the position or title of the employee:

  1. A teacher who is just starting to master the position and intends to engage only in this profession.
  2. A senior teacher is a person who additionally draws up educational and disciplinary programs.
  3. The lead teacher will have to monitor the schedule of other teachers and record the educational process.

Thanks to this system, young specialists will be able to build a career ladder. The task in this case is to increase the demand for the profession.

For 2018, there is also a plan to introduce paid exams for teachers, on the basis of which the employee’s professionalism will be confirmed and the possibility of a salary increase. However, at the moment the project has not come into force.

Latest news on teacher salaries in Russia in 2018

Teachers' salaries will be increased in 2018, but let's still look at the latest news regarding this situation.

This year the Russian government will allocate 14.5 billion rubles to increase wages for certain public sector employees. Half of this funding will be used to increase teacher salaries in 2018.

Alexander Burkov noted that it is necessary to increase labor resources, since in this way it is possible to achieve an increase in wages. He pointed out that the working time of the worker must be taken into account.

  • The average salary of a teacher per month is 31,477 rubles, and in Mexico - 375,830 rubles.
  • In Japan, bosses pay extra for those who work from home. This happens because the employer does not spend money on office rent.
  • In Britain, it is a law that a manager cannot hide information about employees’ income. This means that any employee can find out how much his colleagues receive.
  • Statistics show that the average income of women in the Russian Federation is 26% lower than that of men of the same profession.
  • The salary of a teacher in a school institution in Germany is 7-8 times higher than the amount paid to employees from Russia.
  • As we see, teachers’ salaries will be raised in 2018, but most likely this will only happen due to indexation.

What about teachers' salaries at the moment? Last year, our Prime Minister said that if teachers do not have enough money, then let them do business. But not all teachers have the opportunity and desire to engage in entrepreneurial activities, and therefore teach children.

In 2012, President V.V. Putin promised that the government would increase wages of public sector workers by 200%. But unfortunately, not all of the “May” decrees were destined to come true. Due to the 2014 crisis, the planned salary increase for teachers in 2017 2018 did not happen.

The authorities claimed that salaries for teachers would be raised as soon as the financial situation in the country improved at least a little. Currently, inflation has decreased slightly and the economic situation has stabilized, but the promised increase in teachers' salaries has not happened.

Currently, teachers' salaries, depending on the region, are about 20,000 rubles. But not everyone has such a salary. In many regions, teachers' salaries have been reduced at the initiative of local authorities. At the same time, the workload of teachers has only increased.

Increase in teachers' salaries 2018

What are the prospects for 2018?

All teachers are concerned about the question: will there be an increase in teacher salaries in 2018 in Russia? At the moment, teachers' salaries consist of several components:

  • teacher's work experience;
  • region;
  • application of new methods of education, innovation;
  • class management;
  • number of hours.

According to the Ministry of Finance, an increase in teachers’ salaries in 2018 is still planned and it seems that even the budget has funds for this. It is also reported that there is currently an increase in wages for public sector employees, but it does not reach the increase in inflation. But for a long time it remained unknown whether teachers’ salaries would be increased in 2017 2018, and if they were increased, then by how much? Some experts argued that the draft budget for 2018 had already been developed, but no changes were envisaged.

Teachers' salaries in Russia 2018

What are the forecasts for teacher salary increases?

Still, officials said that from January 1, 2018, teachers’ salaries are expected to be indexed and the president’s promises will be fulfilled. By the way, the “May” decrees are valid until 2020, so there is not much left before the expiration of these decrees and teachers may not see a salary increase.

Teachers' salaries 2018 - latest news.

Finally, the figure for increasing teachers' salaries has become known. Salaries will increase by 4%. If we assume that the average salary of teachers, according to Rosstat, is 20,000 rubles, then it turns out that the increase will be 1,200 rubles. But in reality, not all teachers have such salaries. For many it is a little more than 10,000 rubles. According to experts and teachers themselves, this increase does not correspond to the increase in price levels. Indexation of 4% will not have enough effect on increasing wages.

A year ago, in Krasnoyarsk, deputies wanted to raise their salaries by 100%. But under the influence of the public and trade union organizations, they abandoned this decision. The authorities poorly assess the situation with salaries of public sector employees and do not understand that increasing salaries directly affects the quality of education.

Education is not a highly paid field of employment. Therefore, fewer and fewer graduates are rushing to pedagogical institutes in order to teach children after graduation. According to the presidential decree adopted in 2012, teachers’ salaries will be systematically increased and will reach their maximum values ​​by 2018. But “date X” is approaching, and no dramatic increase in wages has been noticed. Does this mean that the “gift” from the state is planned for the end of the period, and teachers’ salaries in 2018 will be almost doubled?

What does a teacher’s income depend on?

A teacher's salary depends on a number of factors:

  • length of service - the higher it is, the greater the income;
  • region - in the central district and in areas with a harsh climate, wages will be higher;
  • class management - it also increases the amount;
  • advanced training - the more timely it is carried out, the higher the likelihood of an increase in wages.

A teacher’s salary is based on the following components::

Based on the above data, teacher salaries should be high. But the realities of life are such that despite the increase in workload, the teacher receives negligibly little.

Latest news about teacher salaries in Russia

So, the objectives of the 2012 law to increase wages for workers in the educational sector have not been fulfilled by as much as 200%. This is all due to the crisis that began in 2014, which resulted in a budget deficit and the impossibility of increasing wages for all public sector employees, even in small amounts.

Therefore, one can only dream of achieving the level of remuneration for teachers up to the regional average. Today, the average teacher’s salary in Russia is 30 thousand rubles. But we must not forget that teachers in Moscow receive much more than educational workers in the regions.

How will a teacher's salary change from January 1, 2018?

It is safe to say that in 2018, teacher salaries will still increase. And this will happen thanks to indexing. The size of the increase, however, will be insignificant and amount to approximately 6%. And this is 1,200 rubles with the current salary of 20,000 rubles. And you shouldn’t expect a raise at the beginning of the year, but closer to the fall. Perhaps it will be the first of October, when Teachers' Day is celebrated in Russia.

Another indicator, in addition to indexation, that may influence the amount of teacher remuneration will be the dispersion coefficient. The latter represents the ratio of the income of ordinary teachers and school management as one to four. For example, with a young teacher’s salary of 15 thousand rubles, the director will receive no more than 60 thousand rubles.
And one more thing you should pay attention to when setting a teacher’s salary in 2018 is the introduction of new positions and titles, which will allow the young specialist to move up the “career ladder.” These positions will include:

1. Teacher

A teacher will be called a teacher who has just graduated from a pedagogical institute and entered the service of a school. He has no additional education or advanced qualifications.

2. Senior teacher

In addition to teaching children, the senior teacher will be involved in writing curriculum and remedial work projects.

3. Lead teacher

His responsibilities will include coordinating the work of other teachers and organizing the educational process.

The position held will determine the salary and additional salary allowances. Work experience and additional certification programs will help you get a position at a higher rank. There are rumors that paid exams for teachers will be introduced to confirm their qualifications. Time will tell where all this will lead.

Instead of a conclusion

Low pay for teachers makes this profession unattractive for young people. Many school graduates enter pedagogical institutes not because of personal zeal, but due to low Unified State Examination results: competition for admission to pedagogical educational institutions is not great. We hope that the planned innovations from 2018 will make the work of a teacher more highly paid and the profession in demand.