Improvement of the school grounds. Project for landscaping the school grounds Development of regulations for landscaping the school grounds

This project has been developed for an integrated approach to carrying out activities to improve the school area in order to create conditions for the educational process, as well as improve the external and aesthetic appearance of the school area. The project allows, through the involvement of students and teaching staff in joint socially significant activities to improve the territory of the school yard, to solve in unity the tasks of forming a civic, creatively active, physically healthy personality, and labor and environmental education of students.





Project business card


Gaitanova Inna Anatolyevna

Shchedrina Inga Vladimirovna

City, region

Tula region,


microdistrict Sokolniki

Educational institution

Municipal state educational institution "Secondary general education"

school number 3"

Project information

Project name

Project “Improvement of the school area”

Project type

Social, creative, research, environmental.


School is an amazing and native place for every person. Here the child should be comfortable - both psychologically and physically. Undoubtedly, the main part of every person’s childhood and adolescence is spent at school. Dozens of songs and poems have been created about this time, because school years are the beginning of our conscious life. We experience best friends, first love, the joys of victories and the sorrows of defeats here, within the walls of our own school, during lessons and breaks, in the schoolyard.

This project has been developed for an integrated approach to carrying out activities to improve the school area in order to create conditions for the educational process, as well as improve the external and aesthetic appearance of the school area. The project allows, through the involvement of students and teaching staff in joint socially significant activities to improve the territory of the school yard, to solve in unity the tasks of forming a civic, creatively active, physically healthy personality, and labor and environmental education of students.


The schoolyard is the planet of childhood, it is the place where we spend most of our time. And we are not indifferent to what our school yard looks like. Seeing beautiful, well-groomed, always blooming flower beds every day, we will not only receive positive emotions, but also learn to protect beauty and create it with our own hands.

On the school grounds there is a school building, utility buildings, a sports ground, a small garden and flower beds. The condition of the school grounds is always in the field of view of students, parents and teachers.

The schoolyard is not only part of the educational environment in which the process of socialization, education and development of the child’s personality takes place. This is also the place where students spend their free time. Therefore, the appearance of the school grounds is very important to us.

“Beauty will save the world,” said the great humanists. You can raise a beautiful personality only when everything around her is beautiful. A person feels comfortable when he is surrounded by beautiful alleys, flowering lawns and brightly decorated flower beds. Landscaping the school grounds is necessary both to create an attractive appearance and to maintain the reputation of the educational institution. Therefore, each educational institution must have its own “face”, its own image. But how can the surrounding area be brought into compliance? Why has this problem become relevant at this time? Such questions arose before us when developing a project to improve the school grounds.



  • creating an aesthetically and environmentally attractive space near the school;
  • improving the environmental situation at the school and in the surrounding area by planting seedlings of trees, bushes and flowers;
  • fostering hard work, love for one’s school, and respect for nature;
  • development of students' creative abilities;
  • formation of healthy lifestyle skills.


  • attract students' attention to solving current school problems;
  • to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the school, the ability to implement specific steps to improve and beautify the school and its territory;
  • to involve teachers, school students and the parent community in improving the aesthetic design of the school.


During the work on the project it was decided:

  1. To delimit zones of the school territory in order to create the most favorable environment:
  1. Sports area (football field, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts).
  2. School play area (playground for primary school students, playground for quiet games).
  3. Ceremonial area (platform for holding lineups).
  4. Transport zone (a platform for studying traffic rules).
  5. Specialized area for conducting shooting classes.
  6. Specialized area for long jump.
  7. Green recreation area (creation of an alley of school graduates and medalists).
  1. Equip recreation areas with benches and trash bins.
  2. Renew flower beds, create a mini vegetable garden.
  3. Cut down the shoots, remove dried branches of bushes and trees.


The work to improve the school grounds consists of cutting down old trees and planting new ones, forming lawns, flower beds and mini-gardens, creating an alley of school graduates and medalists. We have to accomplish these tasks on our own, with the help of parents and school staff. An important goal of the school yard improvement project is the installation of comfortable benches or benches, as well as the creation of mini lawns or flower beds.

The sports ground is an important part of the school grounds where students spend a lot of time. Therefore, the compact placement of all objects on it (football field; basketball, volleyball and tennis courts; a specialized area for shooting lessons; a specialized area for long jump; a platform for studying traffic rules) is a very important and necessary element in landscaping. Benches and trash cans are required. Sports grounds should be convenient not only for conducting physical education lessons, but also for students to relax during breaks, where they will have the opportunity to run and exercise on various exercise equipment. Active recreation is very important for students, since they spend most of their time sitting at desks and computers.

Schedule of implementation of planned activities with mandatory indication of dates:





coverage of participants

Distribution of school territory between classes


5-11 grades

Cleaning the school area (clearing the area of ​​debris, removing dry grass and twigs)


Class teachers

3-8 grades

Cutting down old trees and bushes


Class teachers, technology teachers

9-11 grades

Purchase of tree seedlings and seedlings of flowers and vegetables



Tree planting


Biology teacher

8-10 grades

Creation of flower beds and lawns


Technology teacher

5-8 grades

Creating a mini garden


Technology teacher

5-8 grades

Installation of trash bins


Technology teacher

Grade 10

Installation of benches or benches


Building maintenance worker

Creation of an alley of school graduates and medalists


Project organizers

Grade 10

Coverage of activities on the school website

April May

Project organizers

Delineation of sports zones (football field; basketball, volleyball and tennis courts; specialized area for shooting classes; specialized area for long jump)


Physical education teachers

9-11 grades

Creation of a platform for studying traffic rules


Life Safety Teacher

9-11 grades


Quantitative indicators:

  1. Involve 20 school employees and 420 students as participants in the improvement of the school grounds.
  2. Number of new techniques:
  • collective mass implementation;
  • scientific research environmental activities with a practical orientation.

Qualitative indicators:

  • creating the most favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions for children’s learning, play and recreation;
  • creating an atmosphere of cooperation between all project participants;
  • manifestation of imagination, creativity, initiative and hard work in children and adults;
  • improving the appearance of the school grounds;
  • landscaped yard and original flower beds.


  • Evaluation of project results by local and departmental government leaders.
  • Holding open sporting events.
  • Successful “establishment” of plants.
  • Attracting medalists and graduates of 11th grade to work at the alley.


An indicator of the further development of the project will be the inclusion of events related to sports competitions, the opening of a summer school camp, and the successful operation of the alley in the summer.





Price per one. (rub.)

Total cost (RUB)

Tree seedlings (cherry)


Seedlings of flowers and vegetables for flower beds and mini-gardens





Football goal net




1. Purpose of the object

6. Features of landscaping

7. Territory balance

8. Landing sheet



In recent years, there has been a positive trend of an integrated approach to solving the landscape design of school institutions. The main task of landscape design is to organize space in accordance with functional, environmental and aesthetic requirements, create a bright artistic image of it and evoke positive emotions among people around.

In our country, school educational institutions produce equipment developed by specialists in the physical development of children in collaboration with hygienists, teachers, engineers, artist-designers and architects.

A lot of useful and original things can be seen today at educational institutions in various regions of our region and city. And this is a great merit of the city administration, which pays great attention to improving the improvement of both the city and the territories of educational institutions.

When addressing issues of planning and improvement of school institutions, much attention is paid to landscaping.

Green spaces influence the microclimate and have great sanitary and hygienic importance, which consists of the following:

they have a beneficial effect on the temperature regime of internal spaces;

directly protect the school building, gazebos, canopies and areas of the territory from excessive insolation;

protect from strong winds;

have a beneficial effect on the child’s body as a whole and, in particular, on his nervous system;

make it possible to organize children's recreation directly on the territory of the school institution.

Vegetation can be used in architectural and planning solutions.

Using the example of my course work, I would like to offer my options for landscaping and landscaping the territory of a school institution.

The goal of this project is to develop a project for landscaping and improvement of the school territory in accordance with the norms and design rules, to meet the social and functional needs of children, their physical and mental development, while trying to preserve the landscape and natural integrity of the territory.

1. Purpose of the object

The improvement object considered in this course work is the territory of a school located in the village of Maryina Roshcha, not far from Gelendzhik. The site is intended for students to engage in physical education, conduct experiments in natural disciplines, conduct school classes and events, and also as a place for students to relax during their free time from lessons. Therefore, in addition to the main building, educational and sports areas with appropriate equipment are usually located on the school site. The list of structures and landscaping facilities on the school site and their sizes are given below:

In addition to the listed elements of the educational and sports areas, recreation corners are placed among the ornamental plants on the school site. In some cases, when the size of the school site is insufficient, some elements of the zones have to be excluded.

The area of ​​plots for schools corresponds to the capacity of the latter: if the capacity of a school is 640 places, it is allocated a plot of 2 hectares, 960 places - 2.8, 1280-3, 1600-3.4 hectares. In this course project, the area of ​​the entire school site is 1.8 hectares, the designed fragment of the territory is 7700 m 2

One of the decisive factors for improvement is natural and climatic factors. These conditions determine the specifics of landscaping and special requirements for creating comfortable conditions for people’s life.

According to climatic characteristics, Gelendzhik belongs to the zone of dry subtropics of the Mediterranean type. It is characterized by dry, hot summers and warm, wet winters. Since ancient times, the climate of an area was determined by the amount of inclination of the sun's rays above the surface of the earth (klima translated from Greek as inclination). In this regard, Gelendzhik is located in favorable conditions - between 44 and 45 degrees north latitude. The Caucasus Mountains protect it from northern cold air masses. The Black Sea softens the summer heat, and in winter, on the contrary, it releases the heat accumulated over the summer to the coast.

The average annual air temperature in Gelendzhik is +13.7, Kabardinka +12.9, on Tonky Cape +13.3 degrees Celsius. On the plain, negative temperatures in winter occur most often at night and during nor’easters. Moreover, frosts below 10 degrees are extremely rare. Table 1 shows average monthly temperatures (in degrees Celsius) in some localities.

Table 1 - Average monthly temperature (in degrees Celsius

monthsForIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVIVVIIVVШIIХХХХИХХII year Anapa12,116,250,410,115,620,023,423,217,212,572,431,411,9Kabardinka33,127,750,410,115,720,224,323,519,51 5,395,851,812,6Thin Cape 32,948,060,810,816,020,224,023,819,915,195,461,113,3Gelendzhik55,245,870,611,717,219,924,124,019,315,485,871, 013.7 Tuapse 44,347,670,611,316,220,123,023,419,615,610,261,613,5 Sochi Center 68,064,080,011,516,120,122,923,119,815,911,881,414,1

The duration of sunshine in Gelendzhik is 2374 hours per year with a maximum in July and August. On average there are 250 sunny days. There is little cloud cover. In summer it is 30%.

The amount of precipitation in Gelendzhik does not exceed 796 mm per year, and on its northwestern outskirts, on Tonky Cape - 598. In the coastal strip, moving to the southeast, the amount of precipitation increases to 1000 mm (Arkhipo-Osipovka). Moreover, precipitation falls unevenly throughout the year. Their maximum occurs in November-February. Moreover, this precipitation falls mainly in the form of rain. Snow on the plain is rare and does not last long - from 1-2 hours to 2-3 days. In summer, precipitation falls extremely irregularly and its duration is short. In some years there may be no rain at all for several months. The average relative air humidity reaches its highest value - 75% in May, in the summer months - only 62-69% (compare: in Sochi - 78%). This is an important element of climate. The lower the relative humidity, the easier it is to tolerate the summer heat. The spur of the Siberian anticyclone creates stable northeastern winds over the Black Sea - the famous Black Sea nor'easters. They manifest themselves most strongly in winter. During a nor'easter, the wind speed can reach 40 m/sec, and the air temperature sometimes drops to 15 degrees below zero.

On sea coasts, where there are river valleys and gorges, foens are formed - warm, dry winds blowing from the mountains. Such winds usually operate in spring, sometimes in autumn and winter.

The soil on the territory of the designed facility is sandy and gravelly.

More than half of sandy soil consists of sand particles less than 5 mm in size, the shape of which is close to spherical. The space between individual grains of sand is called pores; they are filled with water and air. Unlike clayey<#"center">2. Justification for choosing the designed solution

The main trend in the development of secondary school sites in the near future is a significant improvement in layouts, equipping with universal types of lightweight modern equipment, landscaping and territory design.

The main requirement when creating the aesthetic appearance of a site is not the enlargement of objects, but complex design, i.e. creation of uniform equipment in style and aesthetic integrity of the environment.

When deciding on the architectural planning of the area of ​​a school educational institution, I chose a mixed style of landscape design, based on a combination of regular and landscape styles.

Of all the styles of landscape design, regular is rightfully considered the most conservative. The basic principle of a regular style in landscape design is order and regularity in everything. All lines are geometrically correct, its paths are usually straight, and if not, then the lines of their bends are drawn on the plan using a compass. This style is used where they want to emphasize the impact of man on nature, to introduce a sense of order, rigor and solemnity into the composition.

As for the layout itself, it must be strictly geometric, where the building is the axis of symmetry. The main feature is its isolation from the surrounding nature, therefore the random arrangement of garden elements is unacceptable.

It is difficult to imagine a regular landscape design style without topiary figures. Many trees and shrubs (both deciduous and coniferous) lend themselves to topiary pruning; topiaries are given a variety of shapes (ball, cube, pyramid, cone, spiral).

Among the plants for regular gardens, evergreen species are chosen, which remain decorative throughout the year. Arches are often covered with vines and climbing plants<#"justify">landscaping microclimate school planting

3. Description of the road and path network

One of the most important elements of landscaping is the covering of paths and platforms, as they play an important role in the decorative design of the landscaped area.

In this regard, when choosing the type of coating, in addition to taking into account such indicators as reliability in operation, simplicity of design and sanitary and hygienic characteristics, it is necessary to pay attention to the decorative properties of road pavements.

The road and path network in school institutions is generally not much different from other surfaces in urban areas. The exception is children's playgrounds and sports facilities, where it is desirable to use a green lawn or new modern soft and environmentally friendly coatings.

In this work I used the following paving methods:

Paving on concrete. These are the most durable paths and platforms. This type of paving is used on the blind area around buildings and recreation areas, as well as on the site for school-wide events;

synthetic surfaces used on sports fields;

Gravel paths and platforms are usually located in places for recreation and walking. Such paving requires periodic repair, adding gravel or sifting, but thanks to the contrast of textures, gravel paths give the park a special charm. To prevent gravel or screenings from scattering to the sides and ending up on the lawn, in flower beds, or in a pond, you can install borders.

Installing curbs gives the paving more strength and prevents edges from breaking. Large stones, special concrete curbs, and wood are used as borders. You can install curbs flush with the paving or higher. In the first case, they usually try to give more strength to the edge, and in the second, they try to prevent the bulk material from scattering.

Installation of curbs is carried out before paving begins.

Tile coverings also provide the most interesting decorative solutions. The slabs can be concrete, cement, silicalcite, ceramic, natural stone and decorative mosaic. Tile coverings are quite durable and easy to use. They make it easy to replace damaged slabs, reposition them in case of subsidence of the foundation or repair of communications laid under the paths. The installation of such coatings is very simple, not labor-intensive and does not require expensive machinery and equipment.

Gravel paths are made using granite cuttings (granite chips).

Sports grounds. The most promising are synthetic coatings, among which the most widespread are polymers - polyurethanes in the form of monoliths - recortan, tartan, sportan - and coatings based on hard rubbers in the form of slabs - armand, discord.

These coatings are primarily elastic, have the properties of elastic vibration, allow the runner to achieve greater results with the same energy expended and at the same time have high performance properties: they react poorly to climatic conditions, are easily removed by mechanisms, and are not sensitive to the type of sports shoes.

This project uses tartan - a gray-green or brown coating, laid on an asphalt concrete base 10-12 cm thick.

4. Description of a small architectural form

Small architectural forms - in landscape design, this is the name given to small structures installed in gardens and parks for functional and aesthetic purposes. These include gazebos, trellises, pergolas, arches, benches, sculptures, bridges, lamps, fountains, flowerpots, etc. In this project, a bench is considered as a small architectural form.

Benches are used for short-term (without backrests) and long-term (with backrests) rest for visitors to the facility. They come in a wide variety of shapes and are made from various materials (metal, concrete, wood and stone). The benches used on the school site are benches for long rest.

Benches are usually made:

with one span 1.2 - 2 m long;

with two spans 3.5 - 4 m long.

The height of the benches is 40 cm. Wood is the most affordable material, it is easy to process and has high thermal conductivity. When antisepticized and dried, wood can be used for a long time and, most importantly, it is easily replaced if broken.

For the backs and seats, wooden slats with rounded top edges and a convex surface are used, which facilitates the rapid release of atmospheric precipitation from the slats and drying the surface of the backs and seats. Wide boards and half-beams retain moisture on their surface longer and dry out more slowly.

Small architectural forms for recreation areas and play purposes - benches, tables, swings, carousels, booms, climbing walls, sandboxes, pyramids, vines, roller coasters, etc. - are produced in series.

5. Description of the equipment used

When designing the landscaping of the courtyard area, the following types of site equipment were used.

Garden furniture.

Canopies for adults , are installed in meeting places with children on the playground in different compositions - line, semicircle, square, etc.

Benches for relaxation are an integral part of landscape design. Used primarily in the design of walking areas, they have a metal base. The seats for the benches are various types of coniferous wood. The wooden parts of benches and benches are subjected to antiseptic treatment and tinted. After this, the benches are coated with several layers of special varnish that is resistant to various mechanical and atmospheric influences.

Children's play complexes, playgrounds, various sports facilities - all this contributes to the proper development of children and the promotion of health.

All equipment is made of metal and has all the necessary certificates and conclusions. The special coating for sports playgrounds provides an attractive appearance and resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences.

Fireproof urns - operating principle: The urn lid acts as a guaranteed high-quality fire extinguisher, closing the air supply in the event of a fire, thereby eliminating the flame. This reduces the risk of emergencies on the school site.

Flower bowls, vases and various shapes are grouped into picturesque compositions or placed on the site strictly functionally.

Street lighting

Street lighting is necessary for the full functioning of any populated area. And it is used not only for security purposes, but also for decorating individual architectural objects, as well as parks and squares . Installing lighting poles allows you to increase visibility on the roads at night. In addition, lighting poles form a unique appearance of a populated area, and also provide the necessary level of safety for both pedestrians and road traffic. Lighting poles can be turned on in the evening either from the control center or manually.

Special street lamps and lamps are installed as street lighting. Street lamps are lighting poles made in the form of one shape or another, on which light sources are placed. And street lamps are special lighting devices that are used to illuminate roads, parks, public gardens, as well as special illumination of various landscape and architectural objects.

One of the most common types of lighting poles are street lamps, which are mounted in a special way on lighting poles or lighting poles. This type of lamp is considered one of the most reliable and efficient due to the fact that in this case the light comes from a certain height. This means that it is able to cover a larger area and is less susceptible to various mechanical damage. Light poles include a wide variety of street lighting poles, including metal light poles, polygon poles, and others. Lighting supports are made of steel sheets three millimeters thick. The lighting column has a conical shape, which has six or eight sides. The height of lighting poles can reach four, six, eight and ten meters. At the bottom of the lighting pole there is a special hatch with a cover, which allows for installation and operation of the electrical switching device. In addition, at the bottom of the lighting pole there is always a flange with a diameter of 200 millimeters, which is designed for installation and fastening on a concrete foundation, as well as on similar devices and underground parts.

At the top, the outdoor lighting pole has a diameter of 62 millimeters. This part is intended for installing brackets with lamps. The steel structures of street lamps are hot-dip galvanized. These brackets are made of metal pipe, the wall thickness of which is three millimeters. The outer diameter of such pipes is 48 millimeters.

Equipment for sports grounds.

Sports grounds include: a football field, volleyball, basketball, tennis, playgrounds, and gymnastics.

The composition of the equipment for sports grounds depends on the existing facilities for team sports. Thus, the equipment of a basketball court consists of racks (wooden or metal) with transparent hardboard boards measuring 1.8x1.2 m, on which metal rings with a diameter of 450 mm are fixed at a height of 3.05 m from the surface of the court. The boards should move away from the supports: for schoolchildren - by 1.1.2 m; for adults - m. Metal or wooden supports are painted white.

The volleyball court is equipped with two metal or wooden round posts with a diameter of 100.120 mm with a rope tightly stretched between them and a net at a height of 2.1 m - for children; 2.2 m - for women: 2.5 m - for men. In addition, the site has a mobile referee tower, a table for informant judges and benches for participants.

Tennis court equipment includes:

-low supports made of pipes with a diameter of 100-120 mm, sunk into the ground (in a wall with cement mortar):

-"a mesh 12.8 m long, fixed on a rope stretched between supports at a height of 1.07 m - at the ends; 0.91 m - in the middle;

-training wooden wall with a height of m and an arbitrary width.

To tension the rope, a “shoe” with a hook is installed in the center of the platform, to which a mesh regulator is attached.

The football field is equipped with goals with an internal size of 7.32x2.44 m, made of round posts with a diameter of 120 mm and painted white. Corner flags are installed at the corners of the field.

The gymnastics ground is equipped with a gymnastics town or installation for hanging apparatus.

A fence that encloses a site from neighbors and protects the site from wind and noise.

For the construction of such fences, durable materials are used: brick, concrete blocks, stone. The minimum height of the fence is 1.5 m. To protect from precipitation, stone and concrete fences are covered with cornices on top. Massive fences will become a little more elegant if you complement them with arches and niches for flowers. On the courtyard side, benches made of the same material are sometimes attached to the fences. To decorate support posts, you can use balls, flowerpots, containers with flowers or slabs, the ends of which hang from all sides of the post.

Drinking fountains.

The fountain is designed for installation in standard school water supply systems and multi-stage drinking water purification through a filtration system and disinfection using an ozonizer. After purification with ozone, the water is not inferior in taste and quality to spring water. Even when the permissible concentration of harmful and health-hazardous microorganisms usually found in water is many times exceeded, the system returns the water to its original purity, while all useful minerals are retained in the ozonized water, which is very convenient for installing and using such fountains in the school yard.

6. Features of landscaping

Proper landscaping of a general education school site is a factor in the aesthetic, mental, moral and physical education of children and adolescents.

When selecting plants, take into account not only artistic, but also practical purposes. Thus, alley (row) plantings sometimes serve as protection from noise, wind, dust, snow, which will undoubtedly affect the selection of plant forms.

It has been established that when a green protective zone is created along the fence of a school institution, the wind speed is reduced by more than half, and the air temperature in the green zone is set below the city temperature by 8-10°.

Experts say that phytoncides (volatile protective substances) released by plants can kill pathogenic bacteria and clean the air (up to 70%) of dust.

The variety of trees and shrubs, the beauty of shapes, density and color of the crown allow you to create expressive landscaping compositions. Plantings: group, alley, single, bay window, row, checkerboard, fencing, labyrinth, etc. - enliven the site, allow better use of the expressive qualities of trunks, crowns, foliage.

But planting trees and shrubs should not interfere with the insolation of the room (sun rays), and depending on the nature of the crown and the degree of leaf fall, they are planted at a distance of 5-10 m from the building. Before drawing up a landing drawing (dendroplane), you also need to find out where the electrical and telephone cables, heating pipes and other communications run. Thus, planting trees closer than 1.5 m from water supply and sewerage systems and 2 m from other networks is not allowed. Shrubs are planted no closer than 2 m from the gas pipeline, 1 m from the heating network and 0.5 m from the electric cable.

Trees and shrubs such as maple, birch, linden, spruce, pine, poplar, ash, elm, bird cherry, larch, alder, chestnut, rowan, lilac, jasmine, spirea, cotoneaster, etc. are widely used in landscaping areas of school institutions. In places where children play for a long time, it is recommended to plant trees with a dense crown - linden, maple, elm, etc.

In early spring and late autumn, it is necessary to clean the landscaping. Maple, linden, poplar, elm, hawthorn, hornbeam, apple, willow, and ash tolerate pruning well; chestnut, birch, and walnut tolerate pruning poorly.

When designing tree and shrub plantings, I followed the norms of planting between trees and from trees to the walls of buildings, etc. The standards are given in Table 2.

Table 2 - Distance from objects to plant axes

Object Minimum distance to the axis of a plant, m tree shrub External walls of buildings and structures 51.5 Edge of sidewalks and garden paths 0.70.5 Edge of the roadway of streets, edges of reinforced strips of roadsides or ditch edges 21 Masts of lighting network supports, trams, columns, galleries and overpasses 41 Fences up to 2 m high 21 Fences more than 2 m high41 Soles of slopes, terraces, etc. 10.5 Soles or internal edges of retaining walls 31 Underground communications: gas pipelines, sewerage 1.51 Heating networks (from the walls of the channel) 21 Water pipelines, drainages 2-Power cables and communication cables (from the outer wall of the pipe) 20, 7 From underground communication networks protected by pipes (from the wall) 10.3

Small flower beds are also planted on the site, but so that the flowering of plants does not coincide. For example, tulips and daffodils begin to bloom in the spring, at the beginning of summer - peonies, carnations and delphiniums, then - phlox, gladioli, dahlias and until late autumn - chrysanthemums, perennial asters, etc. These plants are perennial and require only fertilizing, soil cultivation and removing weeds. Flowers on the school lawn are also selected taking into account their continuous flowering.

First, lawn grasses are sown, then flowering plants are planted. Perennials require pruning.

Color design is simply necessary when landscaping school buildings, but even here you need to approach the selection with the utmost caution.

A large role in the landscaping of the site is played by lawn coverings of group and physical training grounds, sown with sustainable grass mixtures in combination with annual and perennial plants in the general flower garden, in the flower beds and ridges of group areas.

The aesthetic appearance of the lawn is maintained by periodically mowing the grass, but it is also good to leave islands of tall grass landscaping with field vegetation. A wide variety of types of lawn landscaping are widely used, combined with flower beds, ridges, oases with water, sand, pebbles, etc.

The floral and woody design of the school site fully matches the style I chose.

Planting is done in the morning. Using a scoop, dig holes of the required size so that the roots of the plants do not bend when planting, and the seedlings are planted slightly deeper than the root collar. The distance between plants depends on their size. Flower beds are watered in the evening after 5 pm or in the morning. Flower beds made from carpet plants are watered more often, up to 40-50 times per season. In dry and hot weather, a refreshing watering or spraying is carried out in the evening between waterings. To create a rosary, two types of rose are used. On the sides is Californian, because it has almost no thorns, the flowers are not large, pink. In the middle is the Far Eastern one, it is more prickly with large red flowers.

Tulip - varieties from the group of Darwin hybrids are especially good for decorating gardens and parks. They look elegant against the background of a lawn or shrubs, in flower beds.

For planting, it is better to take bulbs of the first and second sorts, which bloom the next year.

Small groups of the same variety are most attractive. Since the varieties bloom at different times, the height of the plants and the color of their flowers are different, it is not advisable to mix them.

In flower beds, tulips are grown in one place for 2 - 3 years. To prevent the area from losing its decorative appearance after flowering, annual and perennial plants grown in pots are planted between the rows.

Viola (violet, pansy) is a member of the violet family. A plant 20 - 25 cm high with large flowers of different shapes and colors. Varieties of large-flowered garden viola are complex hybrids.

Thus, the tricolor violet (viola tricolor) appeared as a result of many years of selection work by specialists and amateur flower growers.

It is believed that simple pansies came to the garden from England. Their ancestors are wild violets (viola tricolor and lutea). Although flower growers have known these wildflowers well for a long time, the first serious attempts to cultivate them were made only at the beginning

Caring for floral plants involves regular watering, weeding and loosening the soil. To prevent fruits from developing, all faded flowers are removed, otherwise flowering will stop.

Sunny places are reserved for the viola. In partial shade it blooms longer, but the flowers are smaller and paler. In the summer after flowering it is replaced with other annual plants. In our country, the following varieties are most often grown: Forbothe (white and blue flowers), Zurich See (blue), Bergwacht (dark purple), Himmels Koenige (light blue), Gold Crown, Abendglut (reddish brown). These varieties bloom quite early in the spring.

Brief characteristics of climatic subregions. Trees and shrubs. Lawns and flower beds. Spring plantingAutumn plantingStart of sowingEnd of sowingClimatic subregion with average monthly temperature in January - 15 0C and above July from +25 0C and above. MarchOctober - November1st ten days of March1st ten days of November

7. Territory balance

Since the territories of school institutions are areas of limited use, and since these areas occupy a significant part of the territory of the microdistrict, they are of great importance in the overall greening system of the microdistrict.

Zoning of the school site provides for the organization of group and physical education areas, a meteorological site, a utility yard, etc.

Based on the master plan, calculations were made, on the basis of which a balance of the territory was compiled, presented in Table 4.

Table 4 - Balance of the site area

Name of elements Area Number of elements Per 1 hectare. landscapingNote. m 2% of the total area pcs. Buildings and structures203026,42030School building and workshopRoadways, m. -_---Paths and platforms, including: 3926,350,2-5099a) gravel276,33,6-358Paths along the platformsb) asphalt-----c ) paving made of concrete, slabs 25*25 cm. 190024.7-2467 Platform for rulers and front zone) others 175022.7_2272 Sports grounds (tartan) Small architectural forms, equipment, pcs. a) bench - 810 b) urn - 68 Area under plantings, m 2including: 3773.750-10000 a) under trees145018,8-1883-b) under bushes2353,1_305-c) under flower beds87,51,1_113-d) under lawns2001,226_2598-And that: 7700100---

Thus, the percentage of greening on the site is 50%, which is slightly lower than the greening norm for the southern region, so in the future it is planned to increase the greening area through the use of stationary garden flowerpots on recreation areas and on the event site. Plantings with paths, areas for recreation and games occupy over 70 % total area. Since the proportion of plantings equal to 75% of the total area of ​​the site is recognized as justified, and in this project it is equal to 74%, then the distribution of the territory complies with the standards.

8. Landing sheet

The planting list of plants used in the design is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Landing sheet

Pos Name of species and type of planting Age, years Number, pcs Notes 1 Norway maple 107 With a lump 1.3x1.3x0.65 m2 Warty birch 1035 With a lump 1.3x1.3x0.65 m3 Small-leaved linden 1030 With a lump 1.3x1.3x0.65 m4 Crimean pine 107 5Common boxwood338Sapling6Lilac360Sapling7Tulip-476With a lump 0.15x0.15 m8Viola-345With clod 0.1x0.1x0.15 m9Petunia hybrid-560With clod 0.1x0.1x0.15 m10Lawn - sowing


Designing a general education school site is a long and painstaking work. In my course project, I tried to take into account as much as possible all the goals and objectives of creating a green zone, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions, the needs of the population, the functionality and versatility of the object, as well as aesthetic appeal. At the same time, paying special attention to the issue of preserving the existing landscape and vegetation.

In my opinion, the main task of a landscape architect is to harmoniously combine nature with human activity. Without destroying the green island she has already created, she can transform it into something beautiful, capable of serving for the benefit and pleasing the eye, but the issue of landscaping must be approached very seriously.

The appearance of the school site should be thought out to the smallest detail even before the completion of the design of the building itself, based on the experience and mistakes of previous plans and is largely determined by its relationship with the building, the surrounding landscape, but most importantly - the layout and appearance of architectural structures, small forms and landscaping.

Having learned a lot about the design and improvement of a school institution, I realized how important it is for the health of our children, our future, for their physical and mental development.

Architects must create a beautiful and durable house, and the task of landscapers is to fence off and create comfort, to create as many corners of nature as possible.

I am very pleased that now the Novorossiysk administration is paying great attention to landscaping and improving the streets, courtyards, school grounds and parks of the city.


1.GOST 21.204-93* SPDS. Conventional graphic symbols and images of elements of master plans and transport structures

2.GOST 21.508-93* SPDS. Rules for the execution of working drawings of master plans for enterprises, structures and housing and civil facilities

.GOST 21.101-97* SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

.SNiP 23-01-99* Construction climatology

.SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements

.Garnizonenko T.S. Handbook of a modern landscape designer. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2005. - 315 p.

.Kaznov S.D. Kaznov S.S. Improvement of residential areas of urban areas. - M.: Publishing house ASV, 2009. - 216 p.

School grounds are an integral element of residential complexes. Schools are divided into city and regional ones. Urban schools include: music, sports, art, and boarding schools. This type of school is located in large residential areas of the city with accessibility no more than 15...20 minutes from a residential building. Sites for sports schools and boarding schools take 2...2.5 hectares per facility (district). Specialized sports schools, in addition to the main educational building, include indoor gyms and swimming pools, outdoor football fields, volleyball and basketball courts. The area of ​​the territories of music and art schools, according to approximate standards, is calculated based on 15 m 2 per student.

Architectural and planning the decision of territories must be purposeful and meet the relevant requirements. The territories should be areas with a set of cozy recreation areas and a walking route with equipment and small architectural forms. At art school sites, special areas are provided for practicing on the player. Plantings are designed in the form of single, large plants and picturesque groups of trees and beautifully flowering shrubs. It is possible to install a sports playground.

In the territories music schools Secluded areas for music practice and recreation areas, as well as walking paths, are being designed. Plantings should be presented in the form of plant groups of trees and shrubs placed on lawns and be psychologically calming in nature. The entire composition should be conducive to relaxation after intense musical work and at the same time contribute to the rise of creative forces. It is possible to provide a sports ground for playing ball.

A comprehensive school in a residential complex. The school territory is a green area limited use. A school site, as a rule, is fenced with a fence made of metal structures with a height of at least 1.5 m. The distance (gap) from the border of the site to the red lines of streets or driveways should be at least 15...20 m, to the walls of residential buildings - at least 10, utility companies - at least 50 m. Planning center The plot is a school building. The building, as a rule, is located on one side of the site and is oriented to the cardinal points in accordance with current sanitary standards for lighting school premises. A fire passage with a width of at least 3.5 m with a turning platform is provided around the building (the distance from the facade of the building to the nearest side is at least 8 m). When designing external landscaping and landscaping of the territory, it is necessary to carry out a clear functional zoning. On the school grounds, in accordance with the educational process and programs, various sites and devices are provided, intended both for conducting educational classes and for physical education classes in the open air. In accordance with this, the school site is divided into various functional zones: sports (physical education and recreation), educational and experimental, recreation, economic.

Plantings should unite all zones into a single whole, occupy at least 40...50% of the area and play a functional role, separating areas from each other, providing protection from noise, eliminating dust and purifying the air, thereby creating favorable conditions for activities and rest for schoolchildren. The placement of plantings depends on the general planning solution of the site, the placement of individual zones, platforms, and paths. The approximate density of plantings (planting density) is given in table. 6.12.

Sports area - one of the main ones and occupies the largest area of ​​the site. It includes a complex of playgrounds with equipment intended for physical education, in accordance with school curriculums (2 hours per week for each class). The sports area usually provides:

Sports core (118 x 48 m) with a circular running track (250 m) or, if space does not allow, a combined area (96 x 37 m) with a running track (200 m);

Table 6.12. Approximate density of plants per 1 hectare of school territory

  • a combined court (24 x 20 m) for conducting volleyball and basketball classes for junior schoolchildren;
  • combined area (52 x 22 m) for gymnastics classes and sports games.

An example of the layout of the school territory is shown in Fig. 6.17.

Rice. 6.17.

1 - school building; 2-5 - sports grounds; 6 - meteorological training site; 7- zoological site; 9 - greenhouse farming; 10 - training and experimental sites; 11 - playground for younger students; 12 - playground for older schoolchildren; 13 - utility yard; 14 - area for quiet rest

According to modern standards, the total area of ​​the sports zone should be, according to calculations, at least 5500...6000 m 2. When designing sports grounds, the topography of the area is of great importance. On rugged terrain, the sports area is designed on terraces. The steepness of the slopes with a difference in terrace elevations of 2 m is assumed to be 1.0: 1.5 and 1:2 - with a larger difference. In some cases, it becomes necessary to combine two school sites into one. In these cases, the sports area may be common to both schools. If there is a sports school in the nearest area, then the sports core can be reduced to within 20% of the entire area. Plantings in the sports zone are placed on dividing strips or areas between sites in the form of rows of trees or hedges of shrubs. Compact groups of trees can be provided between the sports and educational and experimental zones. Plants should not shade the playing fields of the playgrounds. The assortment is selected in accordance with the requirements of landscaping sports grounds. In table 6.13 shows the approximate ratio of individual elements of the layout of the territory of a regular secondary school in a residential complex (neighborhood).

Table 6.13. Approximate balance of the school territory for 960 places with a total area of ​​1.72 hectares (according to the Institute OJSC Mosproekt-1)

Name of elements

Quantity, m 2


Built-up area

Roads, sidewalks, blind areas

Covering - asphalt

Utility yard

Training and experimental zone


area of ​​vegetable and field crops

collection and selection site with greenhouses and greenhouse

junior school experimental site

orchard and berry garden

sites: geographical and astronomical


crushed stone

Sports area

Carry out standard projects

Training and experimental zone intended for outdoor classes and practical work in biology. This zone includes the following planning elements:

  • experimental plot for growing field and vegetable crops (at least 250...300 m2);
  • experimental site for elementary school classes (120... 150 m2);
  • orchard (450...500 m2);
  • greenhouses with greenhouses (250 m2);
  • geographical and astronomical sites (100 m2);
  • ruler for students’ constructions (400...450 m2).

An experimental plot for growing field and vegetable crops and a plot for classes for junior schoolchildren are located adjacent to and next to the orchard. The greenhouse and hotbeds are located near the utility yard. All experimental areas must be well insolated and protected from the wind. The geographical and astronomical sites are located isolated from all other areas and in the opposite direction from the sports area. The plantings of the training and experimental zone have a purely functional purpose and serve to isolate individual areas and sites. They consist of dividing row strips of trees (on the side of the sports area), hedges (between the sites and experimental plots), which must be at least 10 m from the orchard.

The recreation area includes areas for students to relax (100... ...150 m2), as well as walks and games for children in the extended day group. Playgrounds for children in grades 1 and 4 should have an area of ​​200 m2 (2 playgrounds), and for children in grades 5...8 - 300 m2 (2 playgrounds per school).

Plantings in the recreation area are placed in the form of groups of trees or shrubs in small areas around the sites. The requirements for the placement of individual plants and groups are the same as for the placement of trees and shrubs around recreation areas near residential buildings. The sites should have both shady corners for relaxation and well-insulated areas. To prevent excessive insolation in the southern regions, large, wide-crowned trees should be placed on the sites themselves. The distance from the edge of the paths to the trees should be at least 1.0...0.75 m. In certain areas of the recreation area, plants should be placed taking into account the disclosure of their decorative qualities. The assortment should be carefully selected and, if possible, include introduced species in order to study the dendrological flora and expand the biological knowledge of schoolchildren in the field of ornamental gardening. In recreation areas, flower beds of perennials and open areas of lawn should be provided in the gaps between groups of trees.

Economic zone located on the side of the entrances to the production premises of the catering unit and isolated by rows of trees or a hedge of bushes 3...5 m wide. It includes a utility yard where a shed and a garbage bin are located. Next to the yard, an open area measuring 12 x 12 m is provided for the entry and turning of vehicles covered with asphalt onto the school and intra-block driveways.

Near the school building itself, one or two recreational areas are provided for recreation for children of senior and junior classes during breaks, as well as (between the driveway and the school building) strips of lawn with small groups of shrubs and herbaceous perennials, with single specimens of low trees. Trees are placed at least 10 m from the building, and bushes - 5 m, so that school premises are not shaded. When selecting an assortment, sustainable local species of woody plants from ornamental nurseries should be used. Plants must be diverse in their biological and decorative qualities. It is relevant to introduce exotics to enrich vegetation, which will serve to improve the biological education of schoolchildren. The most valuable species should be concentrated in the collection area (coniferous species). Poisonous plants should not be included in the assortment ( euonymus, wolf's face, co-foru, aconite, foxglove, etc.)

Along the perimeter of the inner part of the school site, rows of trees and shrubs are provided in a strip 4...6 m wide, and on the outside - a strip of plantings 5...10 m wide. For more effective insulation, use large-leaved linden, Norway maple with a hedge of vesicular carp, common hawthorn.

  • 10; 70 Techniques for pruning flowering shrubs. Pruning times for different types of plants.
  • 11. Mineral, organic and bacterial fertilizers. Biological products. The concept of the active substance in mineral fertilizers.
  • 12. Roses. Classification and features of growing park and garden roses at landscaping sites.
  • 13. Hedges and their types. Norms for planting plants (in a row, in two rows).
  • 14. Tree vines. Purpose. Range. Technology of reproduction and use. Support structures. Give a drawing (scheme).
  • 15. Seed and vegetative methods of propagation. The value of each method for growing ornamental plants.
  • 16 ; 20. Seed quality indicators and methods for their determination.
  • 17; 49. Bulbous perennials. Morphological and decorative features. Timing of flowering on objects.
  • 18. Seed storage. Storage conditions for seeds of different species (woody and herbaceous).
  • 19. Methods of preparing seeds for sowing. The concept of organic dormancy of seeds.
  • 21. Methods of vegetative propagation of ornamental (woody and herbaceous) plants.
  • 22. Green cuttings. Biological advantages and agricultural technology. Specific breeds and cutting technology.
  • 23. Characteristics of conditions for rooting of green cuttings. Artificial fog.
  • 24. Reproduction of tree species by layering. Assortment and technology.
  • 25. Grafting of ornamental tree species: technique and timing for different methods. Obtaining bush and standard roses and lilacs (give a diagram).
  • 26. Flower beds in public gardens. Range. Deadlines. Content.
  • 28-30. Annuals (annuals). Range. Characteristics of decorative properties of different species and varieties.
  • 31. Roses on landscaping objects. Classification. Agricultural technology of maintenance.
  • 32. Spirits. Use in flower beds on objects. Content. Work calendar.
  • 33; 34 Carpet plants. Range. Biological and morphological features are the basis for creating specific flower beds. Color of carpet plants.
  • 35. Basic structural elements of a retaining wall. Provide a drawing diagram indicating the elements (1,2,3, etc.)
  • 36. Retaining walls. Give a drawing of the elements. Stone walls - "dry masonry"
  • 38. Provide a drawing diagram for strengthening slopes using gabion structures.
  • 39. Design (sections) of types of sports grounds. Give a drawing - a diagram.
  • 40. Slopes - methods of strengthening. Give me a drawing.
  • 41; 42 Planting large trees on the streets. Provide a drawing of the planting scheme. Specify dimensions.
  • 43. Ramps: purpose, classification, parameters, designs. Give a drawing of the elements.
  • 45. Perennials. The timing of planting in parks depends on the timing of the formation of flowers and inflorescences.
  • 46. ​​Nurseries of ornamental woody plants. Structure.
  • 47. Perennials. Forms of flower decoration. Content. Work calendar.
  • 48. Mono gardens (from dahlias, asters, phloxes, etc.).
  • 49. Bulbous perennials. Morphological and decorative features. Timing of flowering on objects.
  • 50. The structure of hyacinth, lily, daffodil, and tulip bulbs.
  • 51. Bulb flower beds. Classification, planting dates and standards. Content.
  • 52. Fertilizers when caring for summer flora at sites.
  • 53.Shade-tolerant herbaceous plants. Range. Features of application.
  • 54. Rockery. Assortment. Peculiarities of growth of various species in rock garden conditions. Device and content technology.
  • 55. Plants for decorating natural reservoirs of various depths in parks.
  • 56.Lawns. Types and varieties of lawn grasses and their morphology. Grass mixtures, calculation.
  • 57.Growth regulators and their use on ornamental plants.
  • 58.Pruning beautiful flowering shrubs. The relationship between the timing of pruning and the timing of flower bud formation in various breeds.
  • 63. Landscaping plan (landing drawing). Method of squares. Plant binding elements.
  • 71. Facility improvement plan (layout drawing, methodology for compiling and placing elements in situ)
  • 72. Designs of rainwater wells. Provide a cross-sectional diagram indicating dimensions by element.
  • 73; 74. Objects of landscape architecture of the center of Paris.
  • 75. Functional zoning of the park. Examples.
  • 76. Types of spatial structure of the park (TPS) and types of plantings.
  • 77. Typology and classification of city parks. Purpose.
  • 78. Reservoirs. Main types and their role in the park.
  • 90. Reservoirs, purpose. Classification. Examples
  • 79. Structure of green areas of the residential complex. Transfer.
  • 80. Multifunctional parks. Classification. Examples (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
  • 81. Relief. Meaning. Forms. Examples.
  • 91. Relief. Typology. Role. Landforms
  • 82. Compositions of open spaces. Partners, their classification and role.
  • 6. Water parterres.
  • 83. Green areas of St. Petersburg. Left Bank Ensemble. List objects.
  • 84. Boulevards. Types. Territory balance.
  • 85. Insolation of the microdistrict territory and its significance. Calculation method.
  • 86. Cross profile of the main street. Elements. Drawing
  • 87. Tree-bush massifs - definition, classification, compositional use
  • 88. Groups of woody plants, classification.
  • 89; 94; 95 Categories and types of green areas in the largest city
  • 92. The concept of scale, proportions, rhythm in landscape design.
  • 93. Arrays and bosquets. Types. Definition. Examples.
  • 91. Relief. Typology. Role. Landforms (give a horizontal image and a profile.)
  • 92. The concept of scale, proportions, rhythm in landscape design. Examples.
  • 93. Arrays and bosquets. Types. Definition. Examples. Dimensions.
  • 94. 95. Categories and types of objects in green areas of the largest city.
  • 96. (83) Gardens and parks of the left bank in St. Petersburg. Transfer. Summer garden. Peterhof, Strelna, Oranienbaum, Tsarskoe Selo (Alexandrovsky and Catherine Parks), Pavlovsky Park.
  • 97. Forest parks of Moscow.
  • 98. Moscow parks. Transfer.
  • 99 – See 73, 74, I have a bad spur!
  • 99. Landscaping in the center of Paris.
  • 100. Types of sites in the microdistrict. Dimensions. Principles of calculation. Service radius (basic requirements).
  • 111. Public parks in the USA of the 19th century (Chicago, New York)
  • 112. Landscaping in downtown Washington
  • 113. Multifunctional parks. Classification. Examples
  • 114. Boulevards. Classification and types. Territory balance
  • 115. Children's playgrounds in the neighborhood. Calculation and placement requirements
  • 116. House strips, their improvement and landscaping. Requirements for the range and placement of woody plants
  • 117. Density of trees and shrubs for urban landscape architecture
  • 119. Children's playgrounds in residential areas. Classification and calculation principles
  • 120. Requirements for landscaping and landscaping of schools and kindergartens and nurseries
  • 118. Classification and purpose of garden roads. Slopes. Curvature radii at intersections. Scheme
  • Organization of road networks in parks
  • 121 Types of spatial structure of the park. Purpose, role in composition, balance relationships.
  • 122 Left Bank Ensemble of St. Petersburg.
  • 123 Boulevards. Types. Territory balance.
  • 124. Stages of object design. Transfer.
  • 125 Types of park spatial structure (TPS).
  • 126 Cross profile of the main street. Elements. Drawing
  • 127. Types of strengthening trees after planting. Designs and materials. Drawing diagram.
  • 128 Typology and classification of city parks. Purpose.
  • 129 Reservoirs. Main types and their role. Examples
  • 130. Types of gardening plantings. Examples (square, boulevard)
  • 131. Green areas of the residential complex. Transfer. Types. % landscaping.
  • 132.Relief. Meaning. Forms. Examples.
  • 133. Schemes for placing plants near fences and retaining walls. Provide a drawing.
  • 134. Territory improvement plan. Method of squares. Provide a reference drawing for planning elements.
  • 135. Tree with a lump in a rigid package. Types of packaging. Provide a drawing (diagram with dimensions).
  • 136. Design of slope turf. Drawing.
  • 120. Requirements for landscaping and landscaping of schools and kindergartens and nurseries

    Schools: Schools of city and regional significance include: music, sports, art, and boarding schools.

    The area of ​​the territories of music and art schools is calculated based on 15 m 2 per student. Architectural and planning solutions for territories must be purposeful and meet the relevant requirements. The territories should be decorative gardens with a set of cozy recreation areas and walking routes, with appropriate equipment and small architectural forms. At art school sites, special areas are provided for plein air classes. Plantings are designed in the form of single, large plants and picturesque groups of trees and beautifully flowering shrubs. It is possible to install a sports playground.

    Secluded areas for music lessons and recreation areas, as well as walking paths, are designed on the territories of music schools. Plantings should be presented in the form of plant groups of trees and shrubs placed on lawns and be of a “calming” nature. The entire composition should be predisposed to relaxation after intense musical work and, at the same time, contribute to the rise of creative forces. It is possible to provide a sports ground for playing ball.

    A comprehensive school in a residential complex. The school territory is a green area of ​​limited use. The school site, as a rule, is fenced with a fence made of metal structures at least 1.5 m high. The distance (gap) from the border of the site to the red lines of streets or driveways must be at least 15...20 m, to the walls of residential buildings - at least 10, to utility companies - at least 50 m.

    The planning center of the site is the school building.

    When designing external landscaping and landscaping, it is necessary to carry out clear functional zoning. On the school grounds, in accordance with the educational process and programs, various sites and devices are provided, intended both for conducting educational classes and for physical education classes in the open air. In accordance with this, the school site is divided into various functional zones: sports (physical education and recreation), educational and experimental, recreation area, economic.

    Plantings should unite all zones into a single whole and occupy at least 40...50% of the area.

    Plantings should play a functional role, separating playgrounds from each other, providing protection from noise, eliminating dust and purifying the air, thereby creating favorable conditions for schoolchildren to study and relax. The placement of plantings depends on the general planning solution of the site, the placement of individual zones, platforms, and paths.

    Plantings in the sports area are placed on small dividing strips or areas between sites in the form of rows of trees or hedges of shrubs. On larger areas, between the sports and educational and experimental zones, compact groups of trees can be provided. Plants should not shade the playing fields of the playgrounds. The assortment is selected in accordance with the requirements of landscaping sports grounds.

    The plantings of the training and experimental zone have a purely functional purpose and serve to isolate individual areas and sites. They consist of dividing row strips of trees (on the side of the sports area), hedges (between the sites and experimental plots), which must be at least 10 m from the orchard.

    Plantings in the recreation area are placed more freely. These are mainly groups of trees or shrubs in small areas around sites. The requirements for the placement of individual plants and groups are the same as for the placement of trees and shrubs around recreation areas near residential buildings. The sites should have both shady corners for relaxation and well-insulated areas. The distance from the edge of the paths to the trees must be at least 1.0...0.75 m.

    Near the school building itself, one or two recreational areas are provided for recreation for senior and junior classes during breaks, as well as (between the driveway and the school building) strips of lawn with small groups of shrubs and herbaceous perennials, as well as single specimens of low trees. Trees are placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the building, and bushes - 5 m, so that school premises are not shaded.

    Preschool institutions: According to modern standards, the level of greenery should be up to 60%.

    Kindergartens and nurseries, as a rule, are located in the central part of residential buildings in well-lit, ventilated and dry locations with normal natural surface water flow.

    According to Moscow standards, preschool institutions are designed with a capacity of 10...12 groups, and in some cases 6 groups, attached to the ends of residential buildings. Walking areas for children are no more than 30m away from the entrance to the kindergarten building, and 15m away from the windows of the residential building itself. The area of ​​a group playground for toddlers is assumed to be 7.5 m2 per place. The service radius of a preschool institution in a microdistrict is 300 m, in small towns – 500 m.

    The site of the kindergarten-nursery has a rectangular configuration. The distance from the boundaries of the site to the red line must be at least 25 m, to the walls of residential buildings - at least 10 m, and the walls of utility companies - at least 50 m. The building is placed at one of the boundaries or in the center of the site. A 3.5m wide driveway with a 12x5.5m turning area is usually provided around the building. The distance from the facade of the building to the border of the passage (the nearest side stone) must be at least 8 m.

    When designing, the territory of the kindergarten must be divided into the following functional zones: the entrance zone to the territory, the zone of group playgrounds, and the utility zone. Zone group sites

    includes directly group playgrounds for toddlers up to 3 years old and for children aged 4-6 years, as well as a general physical education area (area 250 m2) and a splashing pool (area 20 m2).

    All sites must be interconnected by a network of paths.- the main places where children stay in the area. They are designed for relaxing and playing outdoors. Typically, for every two sites, one double canopy is installed, the area of ​​which is included in the area of ​​the group site.

    The canopy is used for group activities and games that do not require active movement (reading, games). Each group playground must be appropriately equipped, have a sandbox, playpens, wall bars, etc. Children's playgrounds are designed in such a way that teachers can see what each child is doing at any time.

    The area of ​​the group playground for children under 3 years of age should be 150 m2 (with the number of children in the group being 20 people and the norm per child being 7.5 m2), and for children from 4 to 6 years old - 180 m2 (with the norm per child 9m2).

    For children 4...6 years old, a common physical education area (250m2) will be equipped with equipment for climbing, jumping, outdoor games and a splashing pool with an area of ​​25...30m2 and a depth of 25...30cm. The bottom of the pool must be concrete, smooth and have the greatest slope (0.005). A tiled path 0.6 m wide is provided around the pool. The pool is filled with heated water. The interconnection of all planning elements is carried out by paths 1.5 m wide. Group sites are connected by a common ring path.

    The surface of the paths should be made of a special mixture - gravel chips, loamy soil, seedings.

    Landscaping of the territory.

    Flower beds are located mainly at the entrances to the building, as well as in the stripes between the building and the ring road. Near the entrances to the sites, compact flower beds in the shape of rectangles or circles look good.

    The assortment of herbaceous flowers should include mainly perennial plant species - phlox, peonies, delphiniums, aquilegia, etc., as well as long-flowering annuals - antirrhinum, petunia, cosmos, clarkia, purslane, etc.
