1 Sechenov Medical Institute preparatory courses. How to enter medical school - what exams to take and how to prepare. List of documents for admission

Doctor is considered one of the most important and noble professions in the whole world. After graduating from school, many girls and boys strive to enter the best medical universities in the Russian Federation. How to do this? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in our article.

Rules for selecting a medical university

Choosing a good medical university is quite simple; the most important thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • Territorial location. Many applicants try to choose an educational institution closer to home so that it is convenient to get there.
  • Kudos. The popularity and credibility of a particular university is quite important.
  • Educational base. When choosing a medical university or academy, you need to pay attention to the teaching staff of the educational institution, the availability of research laboratories, libraries, the quality of food, and living conditions in the dormitory (for nonresident students).

List of documents for admission

Admission to a medical university begins with submitting the necessary documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • a statement written in your own hand;
  • filled blitzket;
  • a certificate of general secondary education or a diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • results of the Unified State Exam (USE) in selected and compulsory subjects;
  • 2 photos measuring 3x4 cm;
  • health certificate in form “086-u” (issued by a local physician);
  • special documents confirming the right to receive benefits (orphans, disabled people of group 1 or 2, single-parent or dysfunctional families).
to become a doctor, you need to go through a long and responsible path of study at a medical university

Training courses

You need to think about entering a medical institute or university in advance, starting from the 9th grade. Typically, schools provide various extracurricular activities to help high school students prepare for future exams. Do not skip or neglect such preparation under any circumstances, because it will be useful to you in the future. If possible, you can hire a tutor in the subject that is most difficult for you. It is also recommended to find out when the so-called “Open Day” will take place at the university you have chosen. On this day, employees of the educational institution introduce the future applicant to the rules, the “surroundings” of the university, some teachers, and talk about the curriculum and additional education.

Entrance exams

In order to become a first-class doctor, desire alone is not enough, because you need to pass difficult entrance exams in the following subjects:

  • Russian language - from 65 points;
  • mathematics - from 70 points;
  • chemistry - from 75 points;
  • biology - from 70 points.

Above were the approximate minimum score values ​​for which subjects must be passed. Of course, these figures are approximate and statistically average, because every year different universities set their own threshold. Also, some educational institutions accept the results of the Unified State Examination taken at school, and some educational institutions conduct their own exams.

  • long before passing the exams, a future applicant can go to a hospital, hospital, clinic in his or any other city and take a referral to a certain medical university, so that after graduation he can return to work in this particular healthcare institution; this method is called targeted recruitment;
  • before taking the Unified State Exam, do not forget to write an application addressed to the rector of the educational institution for permission to submit documentation to the admissions committee;
  • if you have previously studied at a medical school, then you have some advantages over schoolchildren: you are allowed to immediately enroll in the 3rd year of a medical university, institute or academy;
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation has provided preferential conditions for admission to universities for disabled people, orphans, and children with one parent, so find out about this from the admissions committee in more detail;
  • if you already have a higher medical education, then you can enroll in a specialized university for a master’s degree, internship or residency to improve your qualifications;
  • if the educational institution is not in your city, then be sure to check the availability of places in the dormitory, and also find out about the quality of accommodation there;
  • do not forget to check whether the educational institution has a degree of accreditation and licensing in the state register (this information can be found on the official website or in the dean’s office).

List of the most popular medical universities

Let's look at the top 10 medical universities in Russia. The most popular and prestigious are:

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU);
  • Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (MSMU);
  • St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Pavlov (SPBGMU);
  • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (SPBSPMU);
  • Russian Research Medical University named after Pirogov (RNIMU);
  • Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA);
  • Siberian State Medical University (SibSMU);
  • Kuban State Medical University (KubSMU);
  • Kazan State Medical University (KSMU);
  • Rostov State Medical University (RSMU).

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession of “doctor”

Like any other profession, the specialty “doctor” has a number of its own advantages and disadvantages, which every applicant must take into account before enrolling. Let's look at them in more detail.

The advantages include:

  • official employment, “white” wages;
  • the possibility of part-time work, for example, in paid clinics;
  • work in a friendly team;
  • preferential medical care;
  • annual bonus;
  • demand in the labor market.

The disadvantages of this profession are:

  • increased responsibility;
  • military duty (after admission, students are registered with the military, even girls);
  • irregular work schedule;
  • constant retraining;
  • duration of study at the university (6 years).

In our article, you got acquainted with many useful tips on how to enter a medical university, learned what documents are required for this, how best to prepare for entrance exams, approximate passing scores, and also how to choose a medical university.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov is the leading medical university in the country. Today the University is the largest educational and scientific complex for training, certification and advanced training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel. Fundamental exploratory and applied scientific research, the provision of highly qualified medical care to the population, and the promotion of medical and pharmaceutical achievements are closely related to the educational process. The university heads the educational and methodological association of medical and pharmaceutical universities in Russia.

The structure of the university includes the following faculties: medical, preventive medical, pharmaceutical, dental, higher nursing education and psychological and social work, as well as faculties of postgraduate professional education of doctors and pre-university education, management and economics of health care, pediatric faculty.

The educational process at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov is based on the State educational standards of higher professional education, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, developed with the active participation of University employees. Currently, the University is implementing a multi-level system of continuous higher professional medical and pharmaceutical education.

Courses to prepare for passing entrance exams at Sechenov Moscow State Medical University are conducted at the Unified State Examination Center according to a program compiled in accordance with state-approved requirements and standards. The teaching staff of the Unified State Examination Center includes doctors and candidates of science, Unified State Examination experts, and current school teachers.

According to the new rules, admission to Russian colleges is carried out on a public basis. Applicants who have a certificate enter college without entrance exams in subjects.

Upon admission to the specialty of Nursing and General Medicine, entrance tests of a psychological nature are carried out.

Why are preparatory courses needed?

Firstly, leading colleges accept applicants through a competitive process based on their GPA. The courses provide an opportunity to systematize the basic knowledge acquired at school and thus improve your average score.

Secondly, the applicant gets acquainted with the chosen profession, the teaching staff, and the areas of secondary vocational education.

Another advantage of the courses is the foundation for successful studies in the first year of college. For example, high school students enter medical college based on their average certificate score, and behind them is a basic school curriculum in chemistry and biology of one hour per week in each subject. In the first year of college, they encounter these subjects in a completely different volume and at a qualitatively new level, which often leads to failure and retakes.

The courses provide an opportunity to adapt to the college program, focus on specialized disciplines even before admission, and learn in advance the requirements of college teachers. The training program will include several hours of professionally oriented events, for example, an “Introduction to the Specialty” course or master classes from specialists. As a result, high school students gain more information about college majors and can make informed choices.

Welcome to our college, our doors are always open for you!

The courses are accepted for persons who have completed secondary (complete) general education, as well as students of the 9th, 10th, 11th grades of secondary schools.

Classes are taught by full-time teachers 3 times a week from 16:00 to 19:00 in Russian language, chemistry and biology programs.

Groups are recruited for training at the sites

  • Leninsky Prospekt, 35a
  • Kashirskoe highway, 15, bldg. 2 (SP1)
  • Chuksin dead end, 6 (SP2)
  • st. Ivanteevskaya, 25, building 1 (SP3)

Cost of education: 24,000 rub.

Medical school is one of the most popular educational institutions among applicants. Getting there is not so easy, but it is possible. How to do this, read our article.

Where to apply?

First of all, decide on the university and direction. We have prepared a list of the most popular medical educational institutions in Russia:

Main directions:

  • 05/31/01 General medicine;
  • 05/31/02 Pediatrics;
  • 05/31/03 Dentistry;
  • 05/33/01 Pharmacy;
  • 03/34/01 Nursing;
  • 05.37.01 Clinical psychology.

What do you need to submit?

For most areas in medical school you need to take chemistry, biology and Russian. For “Clinical Psychology” - biology, mathematics and Russian. The minimum threshold score for each subject is at least 40-50.

At Sechenov University, when applying for “Dentistry” and “Pediatrics”, you need to pass an additional professional exam. The test takes place in the form of computer testing in chemistry.

Who has special rights and benefits when enrolling?

Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of All-Russian and international Olympiads in specialized subjects of the university (chemistry, biology, mathematics) have the right to be admitted without entrance examinations.

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science can count on maximum scores in the core subjects of the Olympiad.

Disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children and persons who have become disabled as a result of a military injury have the right to admission within a special quota.

The following are entitled to priority in enrollment:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • children of military personnel, including those dismissed upon reaching age and health status (provided that they have served for at least 20 years);
  • children of military personnel and law enforcement officers who died while on duty;
  • children of Heroes of the USSR and holders of the Order of Glory;
  • persons under 20 years of age who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the family income is below the subsistence level;
  • military personnel who have served in the army under a contract for at least 3 years, as well as by conscription with a recommendation from the unit commander;
  • persons affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Also, do not forget that you can receive bonuses upon admission for individual achievements: gold medal, GTO badge, Olympiads, volunteer activities. Sechenov University provides additional points to graduates of medical classes, for this you need to successfully pass the pre-professional exam. You can get up to 10 points for individual achievements.

What documents need to be collected?

To enter the medical school you need to provide:

  • application for admission (the form is most often available on the university website);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • educational certificate;
  • documents confirming special rights and individual achievements;
  • military ID if you are liable for military service;
  • 6 photos 3 x 4.

How to enter a medical university in the target field?

The easiest way to get into medical school is in the target area. Separate places on the budget are allocated for targeted students, and there is also a separate competition for enrollment.

To receive a referral, you must submit an application to the health department at your place of registration between March 1 and June 10. Deadlines may vary by region. The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of your or your parents’ passport (if you are under 18 years old);
  • characteristics from school;
  • a certified extract from the report card with marks;
  • documents confirming individual achievements.

You can also contact a specific medical organization. If you are interested, you will receive an application, which must also be submitted to the health department. The conditions for issuing a referral may differ in different regions. Check the local department's website for more information.

If the decision is positive, a contract will be concluded with you, under which you will be required to work for assignment or in a specific medical organization for at least 3 years.

To enroll in a medical school, desire alone is not enough. Start intensive preparation for exams after 9th grade. Pay special attention to core subjects. To increase your chances of admission, take part in competitions related to the university profile or enroll in a medical class after 9th grade. If you are already in your senior year, take preparatory courses at the university you want to enroll in.